My build progress

I started out last year with the aim of building a MFOS WSG, but got side tracked by building some SSO’s to go along with it. Given that’s stalled till I build the Noodle Toaster, which wont be till I upgrade my soldering iron and buy all the bits, I decided to revisit the WSG. The intent was always to build it on a breadboard and try and understand what’s going on, before building it on stripboard, or perfboard, and sticking it in a case.

I had my booster jab the other day and it’s sort of knocked me sideways, to the point where I can’t concentrate for longer than about five minutes at a time. Which has prooved problematic at work the last couple of days. So I decided to sack the afternoon off and make a start.

Following the MFOS Weird Sound Generator Page 1 schematic, I started on Voice A, which includes the output stage. I didn’t quite get as far as the output stage, but did manage to get some weird noises!

R1 (Wacky Freq.) seems to work, R13 (Zany Freq.) also appears to do something, but neither R18 (Zaniness) or R9 (Weird Freq.) seem to change the output. As I don’t have the output filter stage, it’s all a bit quiet, so they may do something, I just can’t hear it. I think I may take those bits out and put them in again and see if I made a mistake somewhere.

It’s a start though, which is all that matters. Totally wiped out now, so off to vegetate on the sofa…