Mutable Clouds Type Kosmo?


Played around with Clouds a while ago and wondered if anyone had built anything like this for Kosmo or know of anything textural etc that might be comparable?

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Looks like it’s more of a eurorack board behind a kosmo panel?


Yes, I just replaced the panel :wink: but now it is a small jacks to big jacks converter as well! Such a versatile module!


Never used it, looks really cool but has a 75$ BOM, mostly SMD, and some hard to track down parts! Eeeesh


ah i see, ever temped to swap the jacks out for 1/4 or is that a no go situation with these types of modules?

Oh really? That is pretty steep for a diy kit but could be worth it. Where did you find the BOM?

DIY Clouds PCB for your DIY Eurorack synth (cool site, he posts here sometimes) sells boards chips and links to a mouser BOM

There’s also a free version for VCV Rack…


oooooh lovely!!! Thanks

out of curiosity which parts are the hard ones to track down in your opinion?

Some things in the BOM are out of stock, looks like the site sells them though

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cool, just reading about the drag soldering of the 64 pin chip as well, looks pretty full on!

Anyone had a go at this one then? Any faceplates been thrown around. It is such a cool module!!!

Im looking at making a “Typhoon” - sort of an upgraded clouds. Ill try to find a link later on when I have time.


Oooooh nice! Thanks for this, def gonna try it as well

If youre going to attempt clouds or any of the more complex MI modules, you may be as well looking into getting JLC to place as many of the parts as possible. They won’t be able to fit the MCU chips and sourcing them is a very expensive challenge at the moment, but it’ll still be worth it if the PCB has dozens of 0402 or 0603 sized passives.


I was doing some research and found that Clouds uses and strange sort of button that I dont think I’ve seen before. I’m trying to find something arcade sized to replace it. I have the proper R/G LED… but the switch itself is a little confusing.

I have narrowed the button down to the N model of this:

Can someone explain what is happening in the schematic?
I feel like 1 and 2 are normally closed with as well as 4 and 5 being the same way - but then when pushed 3 and 6 are closed on their respective sides as well? Or does it break the connection with 1 and 4 when pushed to instead flip over to the other side?

I think I located it in the schmatic here:


Finding a microswitch that can handle this seems to be a tall order.

That’s a pretty horrible diagram, but I’d interpret it as DPDT: 2 and 5 normally connect to 1 and 4 respectively, but break those and connect 2 and 5 to 3 and 6 when pushed. That’s exactly what’s shown in the second schematic. LED terminals are separate, the LED does what you tell it to do. You can look for “DPDT micro switch” and see if anything turns up.

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Hooray! It means I was on the right track. So far I’ve only seen microswitches that are at most SPDT. The search continues.

I suppose if I figure out how to get a single arcade pushbutton to activate two SPDT switches…

If the schematics is the right one, the two poles are connected in parallel… so a single pole switch will perfectly do the job… and that’s nice, because that is what you usually have in an arcade button !


Parallel switch poles, parallel resistors… I always suspected Gillet was from a parallel universe…