Module requests

First impressions, etc, but looks pretty good to me :smiley:

Iā€™d consider switching out the opto-coupler circuit for one based on a 6N137, which 1) is faster (guaranteed to be within MIDI specs (*)), 2) has an actual logic output instead of a transistor, 3) is more widely available (e.g. Tayda has it), and 4) is cheaper, from what I can tell. The circuit I used for the minimachine is here. But this is optional; the 6N138 is used in a ton of DIY MIDI stuff and people would probably have noticed by now if it was all wonky.

And yeah, I still wonder if we cannot come up with a better 10.6 V supply, but thatā€™s for a different subthread :smiley:

*) Found some MIDI document that says HPā€™s 6N138 ā€œhave been found acceptableā€ (which makes me think of Lemongrab, not circuit design) but they donā€™t seem to make it these days and the non-HP 6N138 datasheets Iā€™ve looked at are less convincing, so may depend on manufacturer. The 6N137 is at least 20Ɨ faster.

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