MIDI player / playback

Hi guys, do you have some DIY solution for midi player? Something like Cymatic live player (which is no longer available)? I really don’t want to use computer for live sets and Arturia Beatstep Pro is limited by song pattern lengths so I have to change patterns while I’m enjoying turning knobs and other things.

My idea is some arduino/raspberry with clock input or midi input and with midi out that will send over all 16 channels midi synced with clock.

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Arduino and most other mcu can play a midi file to a midi out. All channel info is in the signal. I’d start with notes and volts on YouTube for an Arduino/ midi primer and then go looking for projects.

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I could have sworn Sam had a video about this but he’s got so many and Google’s search is so bad these days I can’t find it. Scour the archives.

I use my laptop and the midimuso module.


Sam’s midi player is from an old kit that’s long gone but there were plenty DIY midi players about 10-12 years ago.
A raspberry pi would let you run a player, a tuner etc

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Thank you guys for contributions. This could be something I’m looking for GitHub - MajicDesigns/MD_MIDIFile: Standard MIDI Files (SMF) Processing Library I’ll try to dive in. Please let me know if you have something similiar.