Mail Day Thread

Actuall I was reading the mail day thread at the time of the door knock but that was less on theam.

Mixture of AliExpress Delivereies and Amazon.

A cheap trackball , I needed another mouse/ball as my supply of 25yrs of castoffs had dried up… I like trackballs inconfined spaces. It’s possibly not as well made as my Kingston I keep in my laptop bag but see how it goes.

10 Nano’s. Nanos are like teaspoons , where do they all go?

2 MP3 Modules , I like these little things for projects that require some MP3 playback. Cheap and easy to use.

An intell QX9300 CPU… I have a lovely Brick of a laptop fromPrecision Workstation M6400, but despite it’s pedigree it’s terribly slow by todays standards. The orignal price tag woiuld make you drop your cofffee but I got it in almost mint condition for £10, so I spent £30 on a 15 year old CPU to upgrade it :wink:


Be careful, that red outgrowth on the mouse looks suspicious to me… :stuck_out_tongue:


its just a trackball, no mouse function :slight_smile:

I use the Logitech trackball clones a lot. So much easier than a mouse. Especially in software like fusion360 and Pure data. They make good midi controllers too.

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This one I am not sure of. can’t get the hang of it in KiCad. Maybe ok for general work.

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I put a wedge of foam under the base to lift the track ball up on the left hand side.

Pic chips arrived today, just programmed them up with the latest code.


I remember 2 yearsa ago when getting hold of Pics was a real nighmare , Tom Stopped sellign the ready programed ones as he ran out. I

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Got my Plexquencer PCBs/panel. I updated my post about mods to lower the gate threshold voltage.

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I have a substantial cache of pic chips from an old robotics project. PM me if you’re in the UK.

I ment to ask what your programming set up was to upload to so many chips. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Picket 3 programmer and a ZIF socket for quick insertion.

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If the hardware placement is symmetrical and can be mirrored at the back, you could potentially design panels that can be swapped so where JLCPCB puts the order number won’t matter. Not that you would want to get into that sort of trouble, but if the design is symmetrical anyway it could be an option? :thinking:

Thanks @craigyb, I’ve just dug out a Ziff socket for my PICkit 3.

Here we go :woozy_face::dash:


Not officially DIY, but there arrived today from the UK


How do you like the Wave so far? I just ordered a Pro 800 from Thomann and am waiting for it to arrive. Was tempted by the UB-XA but the Pro 800 was so cheap I couldn’t resist trying it first.

I haven’t unboxed it yet, I was going to wait for the war to be over, seems like Trump is selling Ukraine down the river and surrendering to Russia.

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Just received a little experiment of mine

For anyone interested in Lego Mounting, i have a more detailed blog post here, it’s not (obviously) (yet) relevant to DIY synths so i’ll keep it to a pair of pics and this link with a lot more info:


I hope not. We’ll see. I hope you are as safe as you can be.