I ordered a Crave yesterday too. At the price (£122 from Bax including tax and delivery) it was impossible to say no. Mine is supposed to be arriving at the weekend. It appears to be a Mother-32 clone of sorts, albeit with a 3340 VCO.
I thought it would be Mother 32-ish too, but it’s a lot more utilitarian. Make sure you update the firmware right away. It really is a great deal and it can give you a lot of the functionality and sound you’d be getting out of some of the other Behrinclones. The sound isn’t the same as the Moog, but it’s neither better nor worse.
On an unrelated note, I ordered some PCBs last night and even with the expensive DHL shipping option, 5 from JLPCB were cheaper and faster than 3 from Aisler or OSHPark. I wish I’d have been a little more patient (and went through @Caustic’s writeup on making the panels again) so I could have combined the shipping, but what the heck-still a great deal.
I’ve updated to V1.1.1 of the firmware
here’s a video discussing that exact point
is the crave rack mountable?
looks wild
won’t fit eurorack as its too big. could definitely fit in a Kosmo format with some brackets.
somebody on ebay is selling these as a 19" rackmount kit for £20
I do like Behringers take on the 3340. I have a neutron and a deepmind 12 which are Fab
I’m going to ask tayda if they will stock it if they don’t already.
Ya, took a bit longer. Got mine yesterday in Washington. Do you have an Amazon link for that switch?
Where u at in WA? I’m in Lynnwood I can hook you up with a couple switches if u need I got 5 extra
Tayda doesnt carry it. They only have an (on)-off-(on). Close. I think that’s a good idea to ask them if they would stock it. I’ll ask them too in a couple of days so they don’t think we conspired to get them to stock it
CTorp That’s cool I’m near Bellingham. Ya I would appreciate it
They have been good about stocking things i ask for. Their only consideration is if they can sell it. If you ask too that can only help.
You can never have enough 103s and 104s!
https://www.ebay.com/itm/183183164118 this were I got the switches , on-off- [on] .
You ever down this way? Or I could toss em in the mail. Next time I forget something I’m gonna hit you up first
The coveted funky ADSR switches showed up today!