Mail Day Thread

Mignon à vitrine supplies.

At breakfast time this came.

Some AA batteries unrelated to synth work.
Stiff brass wire.
Stiff copper wire.

The idea is to form a stiff wire tripod providing the Eurorack power and then solder the components in between the legs. A three pin screw terminal block soldered at the apex holds the assembly together. This then gets smothered in clear epoxy resin to produce a beautiful and strong jewel case of electronic loveliness.

It’s breakfast time so I’m taking my daily mug of coffee and watching Saint-Saens Organ Symphony on YouTube. As well as being an excellent performance conducted by Mariss Jansons, this one is notable for its organist, Iveta Apkalna, who bears more than a passing resemblance to Princess Elsa. <insert Let It Go reference here.>