So ive been trying to get better at drawing up schematics and thought id try Sams Distortion in a cereal box.
For some reason its not working =/
Imo its either a bad joint, bad transistor or im just bad lol
has the diode between the collector and base, yours is connected differently.
And, as @Dud says, the disconnected pin on the pot should go to ground. (But your pot says “back” so in the back view it should be the right pin to ground, left to signal.)
That would be nice, wouldn’t it? No, it just represents the base, and which pin is the base varies. See the pinout @Dud posted above for 2N3904. But don’t assume it’s the same for other transistors.
(Somewhere I saw an article a few months ago on how the transistor symbol came about but I have no idea where.)
maybe you can try with another signal input (guitar if you have, or something with a relatively clean sound)
i don’t know if the SSO is good for that (very very low signal)
and maybe also put a little socket instead of transistor for testing different one
I do have a guitar here, I can try it with big jacks. Using a socket for the 2n3904 isn’t a bad idea.
Oh you don’t wanna see the back… its a mess haha! When I was desoldering parts I just spread the solder all over the copper strips.
I’m going to try the tips on a new bit of perf board n see if it works.
You have IN and OUT labels switched around here. The one that connects to the potentiometer and then the unpolarized cap and from there to the collector is the output. The one that connects to the polarized cap and from there to the base is the input. (See Sam’s schematic, above.)
Today’s effort went well, breadboard worked and in testing after i perf boarded it, it made some noise but it turns out I wired the Gnd from the Ecap instead of from the transistor… but it still worked, though more as a volume rather than an effect.
Ive made another to test tomorrow with the proper Gnd connection I’ll see how it differs. But hey! It’s progress lol
I was testing with the Performance VCO this time.
Ty all for the help as I bash my head through this one.
So I’ve tested the correct layout and I’m just wondering is it supposed to let a clean signal through and apply fuzz as you turn the Pot up or is it meant to work more like a volume pot with fuzz already applied?
Either way, I’ve got 2 layouts that seem to work the same. Lol