Help troubleshooting distortion pedal

hi, i’ve been trying since yestarday to get this acapulco gold working. i followed effectlayouts layout and this schematic. traced it multiple times and everything looks good (both layout and my build). no cold joint or bridges., but i have no audio.

tested it with an audio probe, signal goes into the first 386 and outputs very attenuated, at the input of the second is even more attenuated and by the output it’s almost silence.

tried changing the ICs, i have jrc386 and lm386-n1, same problem with all.

any idea what can it be or what else to check? it’s a pretty simple circuit, don’t know what i could be missing…

(circuit on the left is a tone control, but it’s not wired yet)


On the first stage, schematic shows R1 from pin 3 to ground but layout has it from input to ground.

On the second stage, schematic shows no connection for pin 4. Layout has pin 4 connected to ground.

hey! thanks for your reply. pin 4 is ground on the 386 so that connection was right. you’re right with the r1 but as far as i understand that change doesn’t matter in that part of the circuit.

it’s working now, the problem was way more stupid, i spent so much time looking for a problem on the circuit that i fifn’r see i had a bad connection in the power :man_facepalming:t4::sweat_smile:


Glad you got it working in the end! Its a really easy circuit so the mistake must have been something really obvious! Incidentally, I built this for a friend a couple of months ago and noticed that the output is very hot!