LMNC Fartbox not working with Minibrute 2S

Hey guys,

I’m pretty new to synth and DIY.
I learned soldering with FPV drones (it really learns you to solder, believe me!), but my skills are not perfect and since I don’t understand how circuits and electrical components works, I maybe did something wrong. Synth theory seems also extremely vast and I only understand a small part of it.

That said, here is basically my hardware :

  • Roland SPD30 octapad
  • LMNC Fartbox, DIY built
  • recently acquired Arturia Minibrute 2S :blush:

Here is my problem:

->But no sound is coming from the Fartbox trough the Minibrute. And no cv signal modulates the Fartbox…

What I think could be wrong :

  • I use stereo mini-jack to jack adapters to make the signals flow between Minibrute and Fartbox, maybe monojacks could solve the thing ?
  • Something is wrong in my Fartbox build ?
  • I need to activate some parameters on the Fartbox for it to react properly to signals (like for the vindaloo mode to work)
  • My knowledge of line levels ? I know synths are louder than guitars, electronic drums etc, but what makes them so loud ?
    I did test every connections possible : 1. When putting headphones directly into the Fartbox out, it’s working but not that loud. 2. When putting the Fartbox out to my SPD30 line in, it’s freaking loud ! 3. When taking the mono master out of the SPD 30 to the Minibrute master in, I barely ear my drums (with the master volume on max) trough my Minibrute (which is then freaking loud compared to the drums). 4. When taking Fartbox out to Minibrute ext in or master in, I’m not hearing the Fartbox even with the Fartbox filter opened to max… 5. When trying to sequence the Fartbox via CV signals from Minibrute KBD output to Fartbox cv 1 input, the Fartbox doesn’t react either…

Sorry for that long post, I’m deseperate to find an answer and wanted to be as clear as possible…

Could please someone help me to understand what’s wrong ? :pray::pray::pray:

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@Exoseth, Try flipping the 2 switches, and the 2 knobs nearest the button (attack and release)


Thank you so much, it was this simple !!! I didn’t know it needed to be in vindaloo mode for the Fartbox te ne triggered ! + The fact that one jack adapter juste stopped working after 2 damn uses ! I feel stupid now :sweat_smile: but many thanks !!!


Sweet! Enjoy your brute farts.


Hahaha :joy: definitely gonna be fun :smile:

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