I’m interested in making the simple oscillator, mostly because this is the second electronics circuit I will have built and it seemed like simple was a good idea, but I don’t know what to choose for the LED! On the component list it says “play with colors and type” and I simply don’t know enough to make this decision without asking. So I have a few questions:
What would y’all recommend should I use?
What effect will the colors have, if any?
What kind of LED’s are there? Knowing the different types would probably assist my decision.
Thank you in advance to any help y’all can provide, I really appreciate it!
LED’s are cheap, a few pennies each, if I am going for a compact design like eurorack I use 3mm, for everything else I use 5mm. pick a colour you like. Yes, different leds have varying specifications, but I normally just pick one out of my stash without much thought. For this project, any cheap one will do.
If it cost more than about 0.25 dolars/pounds/euros the led may have a special function such as multicolour and may not be so ideal for this project.