It is here…
Seeing this I wanted to try again (after a failure a while ago)
the XR10 Drum
I found a solution (maybe not very academic because it still sucks in theory) for the external trigger which triggered in low state and not high
with a 2N3904 and the sounds are triggered on impulse as desired.
But on the other hand I have a pin identification problem
for the trigger in inputs on the Atmega328 the pins are
PB0,PB4, PB5, PB6,PB7 and PD7
which corresponds if i don’t make a mistake, on the Arduino Nano to
D7,D8,D12,D13, Crystal and Crystal
but where the 2 crystal pin in the Arduino ???
plz help me
On the Nano, there is a crystal on the board, so these pins aren’t available…
Thanks for answering,
so to understand for the XR10, I can try changing the code PB7 and PB6 by PD2 and PD4 which I believe are not used?
That don’t work at all
Right now I’m in vacation and have just my phone…
I just tested the version ++ of the 02 Minipops : “TheWee 03”
and everything works as it should.
with the addition of a Pitch pot and a Clock in input !!!
And my version of that has a LED position counter
Here’s my Minipops build (with the Wee 03 code) with Clock in & Clock Out and pitch pot !
i added a little MS20 filter inside with a switch to keep the choice to have both (with or without filter)
here’s all my build process
a quick demo (sorry for the low sound)
I’ve got mine built! These Arduino synths and drum machines are a lot of fun. I was wondering - how do you guys control the tempo (short of using Clock-In) if you’d like to use a BPM slower than the slowest that the pot can select? I’ve tried changing the values in the code, but they don’t seem to do anything (apparently they control maximum tempo, but not minimum?) Please help!