Welcome to the forum
yes the zip. link in the topic above is dead !
Welcome to the forum
yes the zip. link in the topic above is dead !
Welcome @Axo
not yet for the Minipop but possible with the DSP D8
thanks, sorry for the stupid question but is it the dsp-D8 ?
I found One code which has pitch control, works great. Just had to swap pot pins from old build. Also with this code pin13 is used for both clock in&out. (minipops the wee 03 code, not mine)
It’s another “drum machine” with arduino
maybe you can share the link plz
I found it, this one ?
Yea this is the one. Havent tried sync out yet but otherwise it seems to work with my build that used O2 code tho i had to change potentiometer pins
hey @Dud I built the DSP-D8 with the trigger inputs and can’t get it to work. Idk what the makerfile does but I placed everything in a folder and it compiled and uploaded. When I give it a trigger nothing happens hat the output. If I give it a gate it just makes a pop sound but nothing else. I tried every pot and every trigger input and it was always the same. I used an arduino nano which works well (even swapped it out at some point) and I got the pin config like in the schematic @Aswayze has it drawn. please help I really don’t want to dump that build.
I posted this info but it’s not mine and I didn’t build it.
and I suck at coding
sorry but for help it won’t be me
apart from the triggers, the rest works?
if I can’t trigger the sounds I get no output so idk really. How can I test it? I’ve done several arduino builds and I’m sure the wiring is not the problem. I have added some clamping diodes but for sure that can’t be the problem (used them in many other arduino builds) Also after the first attempt I added the pulldown resistors and changed the inputs from input_pullup to input. didn’t change anything.
okay I helped myself and it worked out fine
I simply did what @eric suggested. Added the 100K pulldown resistors. Also to protect the arduino against hot signals from my modular I added clamping diodes and a 1k series resistor at every trigger input. I’ll post the whole thing with a schematic soon (the next few days) on my website.
One thing I used the original Code from janostmans (waybackmachine) page:
dam that thing is clean , especially with how old it is !
Hey you guys, I’ve been lurking for a while. I’ve modified the Mini Pops to add an OLED display screen showing the pattern you’ve selected (which I find immensely helpful!) and significantly modded the drum patterns to make a bunch of 80s electro pop dance beats. I call it the Perculator. Mine’s based on Mark Dammers Wee O3 upgraded O2 Mini Pops design. Wanted to share in case this helps someone else. I’ve just made a video demo for it. Video goes public tomorrow, but this link should work today. I’ve got the info for it up on github with links in the video description.
I really appreciate all the sharing and support on here. Hope this might help someone else.
Superb! And just when I thought I’d never make another. Cheers
Haha! Happy to add to your project list. It’ll be worth it - the screen makes a big difference in usability if you jam with it (or just want to know which flippin pattern you’re on).
Hum, it looks like I cleaned my google drive a bit too hard…
Here is my partial mirror of Jan Ostman website again :
This page has a simplified and clarified version of the source converted to the “Make Your Uno” platform.
It’s missing some features like the mutes and midi though.
Any chance you could make this repository available again?[quote=“eric, post:51, topic:2316, full:true”]
I found some more of my mirror of Jan Ostman’s blog and hacksters posts…