Keystep 37 strum-feature via CV?

I was wondering if anyone has ever gotten the strum-feature working via CV or has an idea how to get it working with a MIDI converter? I have not used MIDI and CV together yet, so I have little idea.

To give a bit more context: the Keystep 37 introduced “strum” which plays a ladder of notes (like a harp) when you hold down a single key. My Keystep 37 with the latest firmware does not spit out any usable gate or pitch signal out of the CV outputs :confused:

To be honest, one of the main reasons for me to buy the Keystep 37 was this nice generative way of creating sounds, as I have seen in this video (I didn’t know back then that it only works with MIDI, does it?):


I have a keystep pro but i can try and see if i can get it to work, not sure if mine has this strum feature though


I dont think the ksp has that functionality.

I’ll check out some cheap MIDI to CV converter… I already bought sockets and cable. Any recommendations? I guess Arduino is the easiest one.

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and maybe also this

personally in my next box I plan to build the one @analogoutput :slight_smile:


Yeah the midimuso is an overkill :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks @analogoutput I will build that!


Hey, I can confirm that it doesnt work on cv out, which is quite a shame but makes sense if you consider that without the strum you are actually sending polyphonic CVs if that makes sense.
Mine works great now using a simple midi to cv.
Do be careful for the note priority though. I set mine to low and i am pretty happy with it.


I don’t know if you’ll breadboard it and if a stripboard version (not checked yet, but I’m confident and that’s what I’ll do mine with) would help you?

i’ve done this


Thanks, that saves a lot of time! I’ll go with that.

Meanwhile I also create a “feature request”, but I don’t see any chance of a response :wink: CC output for strum and similar non-polyphonic features

@Bpbby thanks for confirming. Yes, it only makes partially sense but it would have been nice if they even tried to output something :wink:


oof…you buy the pro and expect to get all the features :(((

The pro came out first, so it didn’t have that feature. Might in the future who knows.⊂((・▽・))⊃

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True true, im still happy with mine anyway :slight_smile:

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