Introductions: Say hello, tell us about yourself and your projects

LP 2 Lily,

My contribution to the group has been always keeping within the common interests between all which is DIY synthesizers. I have mentioned that which had my interest as a whole in Kosmo was all the synthesizers have a common interface, the header for power and header for control and audio links the modules and I’ll put a pin in that thought for the moment. I had a thought of myself at the dials of the the DIY synthesizer of my creation which could be wall sized by the way of the average height of a room of which I had placed myself inside with a canon I was beginning to see. I work on music but this DIY synthesizer was the beginning of a different musical project as with everything I worked on before I placed myself as who I see myself as a furry but with this here I’m creating a different furry as an open species. As I see myself I call Fumu and Esopus. The open species I’ve been working on concurrent to this DIY synthesizer. I still have a lot to learn behind all my creative endeavors. I’m happy to help raise up your creative endeavors.

What was my thought behind the links? That made me have a curiosity for the stories that an astronomical phenomenon was caused by a civilization getting their power from the entirety of the energy from a star and caused it to blink and I thought if all the Kosmo synthesizers had a sentience they could have a powerful civilization (that’s what’s behind my name KardashevTypeII.)

-Fumu / Esopus