Oops same project I had (MIDI to CV)

I was not sure if I should start another thread for this, but I was told that things can get a little disorganized anyway. My YT name is Fathomistic Fantasy. I totally was not paying attention to your projects Sam and I wanted to know if its ok if I am building a MIDI to CV myself. Mind you, mine is a tad bit more computerized with affects.

I still want to know if its ok to title the project tutorial “Look Mum A Computer.” I was going to quote you in some of the tutorials. A good long while back some one mentioned this in response to me in a YT comment. The idea was just beginning at that time. I mentioned how I was combining Ben Eaters work with some ideas you had. Basically making a joke by changing a word in the title. However, I don’t have any attention of stealing the spot light. I can hold off until you have your project out for a month or so. Mine is still on the drawing boards technically and I can come up with a new blog-tutorial-title that goes with the Module name I had in mind. Let me know what you think when you can. Thanks!


Most things are a “rethinking” if your not just ripping off someone (sams) work ( which has not evenbeen published) and your doing something different then theres no problem.

My VCO board, its from sams schematic but he’s never done a basic PCB, same for the mixer. (both are also widely known examples)
My sequncer is based on things learned from sam, but in turn he has re-created, and his originals were also from other recreations.

I await the M2CV, it was also one of my earliest ideas before this forum existed!!

"Most things are a “rethinking” if your not just ripping off someone (sams) work ( which has not evenbeen published) and your doing something different then theres no problem.

My VCO board, its from sams schematic but he’s never done a basic PCB, same for the mixer. (both are also widely known examples)
My sequncer is based on things learned from sam, but in turn he has re-created, and his originals were also from other recreations.

I await the M2CV, it was also one of my earliest ideas before this forum existed!!"

With me being active in the art community and several subcultures I never know. You would be really surprised how easily artist get into a fight over a stolen idea. The whole Closed Species concept was crazy when it started. It began as a way for writers to simply buy a character or a beginner artist to buy a character. However, others would take it too far and attack people for a similar mixed physiology. Like if some one had a similar idea for an anthro cat/fox hybrid to my tulpae named Molly then they could attack me for stealing the species without paying for it.

So, needless to say I am very careful when I do something similar to some one else. No matter what it is I try to be respectful. I am also planning to quote Sam in my posts and make it a sort of parody which is legal under the fair use laws. Especially when you consider how I am doing this to teach who ever is interested. Its a tutorial not a DIY book. Although there are legal contracts that make this possible. Open domain is a very common term used in art and writing. The internet community makes a real mess of things sometimes though.

Disney themselves made a mess of Deadmou5 because of how old Micky mouse is. Technically the ears are open domain because there is not defined character for intellectual property protection. That did not stop the lawsuits though. Hints why I really want to patent my idea into an open source project that will be like Linux. It can’t be taken by a company and bared from the open source community by law. If that makes sense. Thanks for your kind words. It really does help knowing that this community won’t become angry over something so petty.

MIDI-to-CV devices have been around for roughly as long as MIDI has existed. The very first commercial MIDI device was an analog synth (using 3340 oscillators driven by a single fast D/A and a bunch of sample-and-hold circuits made with 4051/TL064s). Dieter Döpfer built his first stand-alone unit in 1986, long before he went on to create Eurorack.