Hey I need help with trouble shooting Hagiwo’s generative sequencer. I got it working where a clock signal is able to make a sequence (and luckily nothing burning) but the potentiometers and the switch used in the circuit don’t seem to affect or change anything. I checked the voltage on the main and sub potentiometer to find that they both are grounded and have +5V, but dialing the knob doesn’t change the voltage, so Im not sure if that’s something to be concerned about or not. Everything seems to be where it should be. One thing I should mention is that instead of a mcp4911, I am using a mcp4921, which looking at the data sheet is pretty much the same as the mcp4911, but at a different bit resolution. Not sure if that can be a problem as well. Can anyone help?
If turning the pot doesn’t change the voltage between the wiper and ground then something’s connected wrong, like the wiper’s shorted to ground or 5 V.
The MCP4921 is a 12 bit DAC versus 10 bits for the 4911. If everything else is the same — I haven’t looked at the datasheets in detail — it means it’d kind of work, but you’d get outputs in the range 0 to 1.25 V instead of 0 to 5 V. Presumably a fairly easy change in the Arduino code would take care of that.
I just got the potentiometers working to where the voltage changes as I move the knob, however it still seems to be stuck on the same sequencer no matter where I change them. I’m thinking maybe its the switch? I’m using what I think is a SPDT switch (ON-OFF-ON) which is what I believe he uses since the module has 3 modes, so I’m unsure if it’s something with the internal pull-up or the switch itself. Slowly getting there but it feels like I’m missing something small