Glossary (wiki)

Let’s see if we can set up a glossary wiki page, as discussed here.

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ADSR: Attack, Decay, Sustain Release. This is a type of Envelope Generator with four stages.(detail)

Amplifier: A device that increases the voltage or power of a signal.

Attenuator: A device that reduces the level of a signal. (schematic)

BOM: Bill of materials. The list of components in a circuit.

BPF: Band Pass Filter. It filters frequencies that are not around the center of the cutoff frequency. The frequencies this covers is the difference between the lower cutoff frequency and the higher cutoff frequency. Think of it as a LPF and a HPF combined.

Breadboard: test board for making seamless electronic circuits.

Capacitor: It is an electronic component designed to be able to store an electrical charge. This measurement in farads (F). There are different kinds (polarized or non-polarized). (types and symbols)

Cutoff Frequency: The point where the filter begins filtering.

CV: Control Voltage.

Diode: It is an electronic component that lets current flow in only one direction. It is the passing sense, or direct (polatity and symbol)

EG: Envelope Generator.(detail)

Envelope: Used to shape the loudness, frequency content or timbre over time.

Filter: Removes certain frequencies and harmonics from a sound.

FM: Frequency Modulation is where the pitch of an oscillator is modulated (changed) very quickly by another oscillator.

GAS: Gear Acquisition Syndrome.

Gate: A signal in an amplifier circuit that generates voltage signals that correspond to binary 1’s (high) and 0’s (low). This signal can be maintained.

Gerber: a standard vector image file format that is used to store and transmit fabrication data for the automated construction of a printed circuit board. See (Wikipedia article) for more details.

HPF: High Pass Filter. It filters frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency “letting only the highs pass”.

Jack: A socket for an audio cable to plug into (detail).

Kosmo: Sam Battle’s modular synthesizer and by extension, its modular synthesizer format. 200mm high panels, with big (¼"- 6.35mm) jacks. (Kosmo specifications)

Kosmonut: A fan of the Kosmo modular synthesizer format. A member of this forum.

LDR: Light dependent resistor. AKA Photoresistor. (symbol)

LED: Light Emitting Diode. AKA the blinky lights. (polarity and symbol)

LFO: Low-Frequency Oscillator (or VCLFO : Voltage Control Low Frequency Oscillator (detail))

Line Level: A standard signal level reference -10bDV (decibel volts).

LMNC: Look Mum No Computer.

LPF: Low Pass Filter. It filters frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency “letting only the lows pass”.

LPG: Low Pass Gate

Mixer: A mixer combines signals together.

Multiple: Splits or copies a signal to send to more than one destination (detail)

Operational amplifier (op amp): A very commonly used integrated circuit. (detail)

Operational transconductance amplifier (OTA): A variant of the op amp, often used in voltage controlled filters and amplifiers. (detail)

Patch: How to connect the modules to each other using cables.

PCB: Printed Circuit Board

Potentiometer: variable resistor (pin order and symbol)

PWM: Pulse Width Modulation Detail

Resistor: conductive component which opposes (more or less depending on its value) the flow of current. Detail

Resonance: The output of the filter is fed back into its input. Results in boosting the harmonics around the cutoff frequency.

Sample and Hold: Electronic circuit memorizing a voltage taken by sampling a signal.

SI: International System of Units, defining units like ampere, volt, and ohm, and prefixes like kilo-, milli-, and micro-. Detail

Stripboard: Plate for the construction of electronic circuits formed of several copper strips on an insulating panel.

Tolerance: How close the actual value of a part is likely to be to the nominal value. Smaller is better, but larger is cheaper and often perfectly good, unless you’re told otherwise. (detail)

Trigger: A signal in an amplifier circuit that generates voltage signals that correspond to binary 1’s (high) and 0’s (low).

Trimmer: (or trimpots) small potentiometers (variable resistance) that are often found on circuits that require precise adjustments, rarely designed to be controlled by the user.

Vactrol: A light dependent resistor (LDR) placed near an LED to add voltage resistance. As the LED gets bright, the resistance goes lower.

VCA: Voltage Controlled Amplifier.(detail)

VCF: Voltage Controlled Filter.(detail)

VCO: Voltage Controlled Oscillator.(detail)

Veroboard: a brand of stripboard developed in the early sixties. Usually used as a generic term for any stripboard.

White noise: Is a randomly generated tone combining all sound frequencies simultaneously.