I discovered that AllPCB have a coupon offer - 1 free order per month with free shipping. It’s only for up to 100mm^2/green soldermask/1.6mm but that’s more than enough. Interestingly, lead free HASL is free, while you have to pay for leaded. I’ve ordered some boards from there to see what the quality is like.
For prototypes, this could be a gamechanger.
It seems that as long as the total board area doesn’t exceed 0.0750m^2, then it’s free. This means that I can get up to 75mm Kosmo front panels for free(in green though ). Still good news for testing whether the panel fits or not.
I went back to the site and eventually figured out how to do it. Click on the coupon, then fill in the order form, then upload the Gerber. Entirely ass backwards. I tried choosing a color other than green and got an “unavailable coupon” message, then realized what was up and tried again with green and it worked. I mean, the order went in. We’ll see what happens next. I did get an email.
If there is any question, please contact your sales representative – Daria(caroline@allpcb.com)
PCBShopper.com shows only slow shipping and DHL, but I tried starting a non-free order just to see how it priced out and what came up was $19 for DHL and $44 for UPS (supposedly a day faster). Or $528 for a year of orders. Plus the actual boards cost.
Hey, you’ve already got my home address, email, phone number, and name! Now you want my WhatsApp and Skype details? I think not.
I am not planning on trusting these people with my bank details either, for that matter. Potential customers beware.