Fart Box Builds



Glorious flatulence.


Apologies if anyone else has asked this question, but I’m almost done with my fart box and I’m unsure of how to wire the power connector. I’ve got a wall wart adapter and I’ve bought a plug, but I’m not sure which pin on the plug goes to each hole on the PCB.

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hey! I dont have a pcbs to hand but its to the middle of the board it says AC in I think. it doesn’t matter the orientation as the power supply is AC so wire either wire to either pin.


Hey, thanks Sam! That’s good to know!

Got everything hooked up and it didn’t explode in my face, so that’s progress! I don’t seem to be able to get any result when fiddling with the osc1modosc2, osc1modenv1, osc2modfbk1, osc2modosc1 or osc2modenv1 knobs. Cutoff and resonance seem to be just pitch.

I hope I didn’t connect anything wrong, but I double-checked the PCB and I’ve got all the right components in the right spots as far as I can tell. Kind of confused as to what might be the issue.


This sucker is not easy to troubleshoot.


its hard because you can’t tell if it is doing what it supposed to lol


I finally started troubleshooting and already found a capacitor and a resistor mismatch.

I suck. XD


I’m trying to build my first fart box and I’m struggling a bit with the placement of the BC107 transistor, the stripboard layout photo is not clear and the schematic doesn’t make sense (to me I should say!!)
Anyone got any advice?

The connection marked 33 is the output, which is connected to the emitter, so from top to bottom, the pins are C, B, and E:

The emitter is the pin closest to the tab.

This matches the 10k and 330k resistor values in the schematics as well, even if not everything matches exactly (the stripboard doesn’t have the diode, the schematics has no 1M resistor to −12V what I can see).


Ah, brilliant. Thanks for the advice!!

What a relief!


Quick question: if I wanted to power a few simple oscillators off this same power supply, would I jack in at the positive leg of C5 and the negative leg of C4 to get 12V of polarized power?

but does it FART well? Nice layout , very original

Man I waited to long to get mine, now I have a Kosmo panel for it but no pcb. Hopefully they will come back around again so I can get one.

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I know it’s a shame - I wanted one as well. Sam has said ( iirc on the website) that he was going to share the Gerbers/kicad files but I can’t find them anywhere.

Awaiting power supply (and likely a week or so of troubleshooting), but it’s been boxed. The bit on the right will be four simple oscillators with two outputs and a


And a…? I am in suspense!

That is rockin’ cool. The most industrial.


yeah not sure how it got cut off. a voltage sag and expression control. maybe some kind of filter, not sure yet.

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