Arduinoboy help

So I don’t know if anyone has had this problem before but I finished the arduinoboy stripboard layout and for some reason, I’m not sure if it’s working or not and it’s not sending or receiving midi. For starters the leds do work as in sequencing and blinking, but the button when pressed only stops the lights momentarily, which until released makes them continue which I’m sure isn’t a sign that the mode changed. On top of that when it’s plugged into the computer to edit the mode, the Maxeditor says it’s disconnected so I can’t even edit on that even when I have the gameboy on with lsdj on it. Speaking of, I have an lsdj cartridge with version 5.3.6 which doesn’t have a way to update it since it’s not an SD card flash cartridge so maybe even that’s another problem. Point is I’ve got a lot of problems mostly with the arduino boy, the lsdj I can maybe figure out but has anyone had these problems and knows how to fix them? I should also mention I’m using the code available by I think his name was trash80 on github and the way I connect the gameboy with lsdj to the arduino boy is with the link cable port on the gameboy to the one of the arduino boy.
[Trash80 code] (
[Arduino stripboard] (

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This is not my area at all. I wish I could help but I’ve never built the gameboy oscillator. Has anyone else anything to contribute? Sam? @lookmumnocomputer


have you added a 10k pull down resistor on the switch??


Hello. I am trying to ressucite my arduinoboy. I have to flash the arduino all over again but I have this message :

/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/UsbMidi.ino: In function ‘printMemory()’:
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Memory_Functions.ino:49:20: warning: iteration 65 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Memory_Functions.ino:48:16: note: containing loop
   for(int m=0;m<=MEM_MAX;m++){
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/UsbMidi.ino: In function ‘initMemory(bool)’:
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Memory_Functions.ino:29:37: warning: iteration 65 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
       memory[m] = defaultMemoryMap[m];
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Memory_Functions.ino:28:18: note: containing loop
     for(int m=0;m<=MEM_MAX;m++){
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/UsbMidi.ino: In function ‘setProgrammerMemorySave()’:
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Mode_Programmer.ino:55:34: warning: iteration 61 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
     memory[m] = sysexData[offset];
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Mode_Programmer.ino:54:17: note: containing loop
   for(byte m=4;m<=MEM_MAX;m++) {
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Mode_Programmer.ino: In function ‘checkForProgrammerSysex’:
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Mode_Programmer.ino:55:34: warning: iteration 61 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
     memory[m] = sysexData[offset];
/home/did/Documents/gameboy/Arduinoboy-master/Arduinoboy/Mode_Programmer.ino:54:17: note: containing loop
   for(byte m=4;m<=MEM_MAX;m++) {
Le croquis utilise 11056 octets (34%) de l'espace de stockage de programmes. Le maximum est de 32256 octets.
Les variables globales utilisent 660 octets (32%) de mémoire dynamique, ce qui laisse 1388 octets pour les variables locales. Le maximum est de 2048 octets.

Does anyone know something about that? Thanks a lot.

ok i am stupid… the libraries were not there… sorry