Arduinoboy code help

So I am very new into arduino and took a shot at my first project which is the Arduinoboy. This is not my code and I’m not sure how to fix it, but it keeps giving me the error that, ‘pinStatusLed’ was not declared in the scope. The problem is I’ve spent hours asking forums and trying to fix the code myself and nothing seems to work and its straight from Github. I’m not sure if there’s something I need to add or if I’m doing something wrong because nothing works at all. I was hoping if anyone can take a look at the code, fix the code or show what I have to do and where? I’ve included the url to the Github code and again, very new to this and don’t understand almost anything about this kind of stuff. Again, it keeps saying that the scope has not been declared no matter what I do, can anyone help?

You’re linking to one support module, not the actual arduinoboy program. You need to download all files in that directory, and build arduinoboy.ino.

Wait there’s an arduino program? Where would it be under on github?

In the same directory as the file you linked to:

You need all those files (plus custom hardware, plus custom software for the Gameboy. This isn’t exactly a beginner’s project…)

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I already understand that, it’s more the order to which I download them or which ones do I download? I’m good with making stripboard circuits for the midi and arduino circuits, but coding is something I’m not too good in. And I haven’t exactly found any instructions or videos on how to download the files or adjust the code and such. What are the files I have to download in specific, in what order, and are there any changes that have to be made?

Have you signed into GITHUB

After that you should have a download ZIP option

But as others have said, this is not a something for a beginner who has not coded much/at all.

It would really benefit to take some tim eto build some simpe control circuits incorporating LED’s Buttons, Displays, I2C sensors, Etc… And just getting to grips with the programing constructs and functrions.

I have been programming Duinos on and off for 6-7 years and still get frustrated sometimes.

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On a linux machine:

1: start a terminal and got to you projects directory and issue the following command:

2: git clone
This assumes you have ‘git’ installed.

This will clone the entire repository.

3: Then open the arduino ide, and open the file Arduinoboy.ino in the directory with the same name.
In the Tools menu choose your board ( arduino nano ), then hit the compile button.
There are some warnings, but on my machine it compiles without errors.

Note, that if you do not use a git client, you can download the zip file, unzip it in your project directory and go to step 3.

If you have the ‘OS that shall not be named’ on your machine, you are on your own.