Arduino Euclidean Rhythm Generator

Hi all,

I’d like to share with you my Arduino Nano-based Euclidean rhythm generator. It has:

  • 4 channels
  • max. 16 steps per channel
  • individual encoders for each channel
  • adjustable sequence length
  • external clock input
  • reset input/button

Here’s a short demo:

Schematics, PCB layout, BOM and Arduino sketch are over on my GitHub: GitHub - TimMJN/Arduino-Euclidean-Rhythm-Generator

I also have a few PCB+panel sets available, message me if you’re interested.




Very nice and cool module !!! :+1:


now only if I had the money , I would get a doz. to hang on the x-mas tree .


Would anyone happen to have a tayda recommendation for the push button?

These seem to be the one!


I have these. They work fine.



Yeah, for Christ’s sake, they’re doing it again… Nothing on the tracking for weeks, and then suddenly it appears on your doorstep… Sorry for that! If it doesn’t, I’ll ship out a new one!

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It updated yesterday that it is in Chicago, so I think it just taking it sweet time!

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If there’s updates, there’s hope! ;D

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New PCBs are up in The BST Thread (Buy, Sell, Trade)!


I’m unsure how many of you have already built this module, but I have just discovered an odd bug, causing cross-talk between the encoders. The firmware has been updated with a more robust method of reading them. As far as I can notice, the issue has been resolved. Make sure you grab the latest firmware from the repository.

Also, @devicex notified me that when downloading a repo as a .zip, git does not include any submodules. That’s a pity, as I used those to include libraries. When using this .zip method, you’ll have to go to the src folder and manually download the submodules. Unzip them and place them in your downloaded src folder, such that the directory structure remains as on the repository. Here’s an example of what it should look like:

  • …\Arduino-Euclidean-Rhythm-Generator
    • arduino_euclidean_rhythm_generator_firmware
      • src
        • Adafruit-MCP23017-Arduino-Library
          • Adafruit_MCP23017.h
        • Tlc5940
          • Tlc5940.h
      • arduino_euclidean_rhythm_generator_firmware.ino

Hope this is clear!


git clone also does not download submodules, right? Unless you use git clone --recurse-submodules.


Yes! Good point! Or:

git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update

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DIY eurorack modular synth , prototype gate sequencer module.
Due to development, some bugs remain.
I plan to upload an introductory video in the near future.


I mean, $7 is incredibly cheap and the polygons look cool, but I’m not too thrilled by that interface. That screen is even tinier than I guessed from the first video. Staring it tiny characters to see which parameter I’m changing is not so desirable to me. :wink:


Adding a 25mm expander module with 4 CV inputs. Question:

Each pattern is described by 3 parameters; length, no. of hits and rotation. Times 4 channels makes 12 parameters in total, while I only have 4 CVs available. Which would be most useful to have CV control over? I’m torn between 4x no. of hits and 2x no. of hits + 2x rotation. Anyway I’ll make it user-definable in the firmware. Cheers!

And yes it was a pretty tight squeeze. Resistors underneath pots for style.


Hey, do you have a source for the TLC5940? I read that it’s obsolete and the TLC5941 (which should be similar) is also hard to find in DIP…

You might consider getting the surface mount one and an adapter. should be possible to do vqfn with a hot air gun.