Anyone here built the Dintree Dual Slew? Breadboard


Has anyone made the Dual Slew module? If so, what kinds of things do you use it for?

This bag contains my 2nd go at DIY. It never worked. I think I was a bit ambitious - but the word ‘Slew’ sounded so old school.

Lovely neat soldering - I thought 240c was a good temp for the iron😕

Anyway, I want to give it another crack and I reckon a back to breadboard approach might be successful.

I captured the sad tale of module 1 - and my discovery of the LDR for posterity😂

The optimism…

The disappointment…

A way forward tomorrow?

Edit: I updated the layout. This one should work


Haven’t built it, but slew limiters are good for portamento or smoothing out any control voltage, say for smoother filter sweeps from a sample and hold.


Thanks Christian.

That’s a really helpful description.

I must admit that I chose the dual slew schematic from Dintree as it looked like one of the easiest ones. I didn’t really know what it could be used for.

I’m going to try the breadboard layout tonight and if that works it can go onto stripboard.

Cheers Marc


It may be wise to add some text in the drawing/picture saying that it is a DRAFT or UNTESTED or TESTED or whatever the status is. Google and other search engines publish any picture they find and people might then (not) know that it is (not) guaranteed to work.

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This layout is currently untested - so any feedback or tips would be appreciated

currently untested

I gathered as much. But google et al. don’t copy any text in the forum to its images overview / or people won’t read it. So if you put that text IN the image, the status of the schematic is more clear. You can edit the post with the picture you’ve already uploaded and replace it with a new one.

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Hi Jos

The breadboard layout worked a treat:

Thanks for all you tips on posting etiquette. I’ll do better next time :blush:


4 Likes guess you ya gotta use these gadgets’s my slew-tastic demo :joy:


I’ve built a panel for the slew.

I spent a bit more time than usual thinking about attaching the stripboard to the panel. I also wired up the pots and jacks beforehand.

Hopefully all the fiddly bots are done. I’ve done a stripboard layout and once its confirmed I’ll post it.

PS Credit for the slew part goes to Andrew Kilpatrick’s dual slew at The rise/risefall/fall part is from (dual gated slew)


i made this one and it’s quasi the same

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