Amazingly enough, the Sinclair Spectrum 48K worked first time plugged in! Took me months to build, bit by bit. The secret seems to be, take your time. Now to find other things to build for it. Maybe that sound card I’ve heard about! Another thing, I need to fit a reset button. (am aware the speaker is upside down)
Anyone been building anything to do with retro 8 bit computers?
Found the photo I took of my repair, I got a blob of solder stuck on the underside of the board, and made the mistake of scratching it off (along with a track and through connection!) with my finger nail. Found a bit of bare copper wire in a cupboard, and used a bit of wire insulation to make sure it didn’t short out.
For those of us who aren’t deep in the Spectrum scene, do you have a link to the kit? Google wasn’t very helpful (I did learn that there were many many many Russian clones back in the day, though ).
Ain’t that the truth!! Still, I never dreamed that one day I’d actually build one from a kit. They just seemed like magic boxes back in the day… still are really, but now viewed through those rose tinted glasses.
Maybe a little bit Hi-tech compare to ZX, but I spend some time 1-2 years ago with Amiga 500 and copying FDD from the PC via seial cable. Great hobby, all demoscene at all. I was always impressed with demoscene creations, like music or demos in particular. How more you can optimize code and do things that even creators of these machines did not even imagined. Good Hungarian documentary:
That’s a good documentary, I didn’t really discover the demoscene until a friend got an Amiga. The reason being, that I got all the games for my Plus 4 from Boots the chemist. They had cheap games I could buy with the pocket money I had. Nobody much made demos for the Plus 4, it just didn’t have a SID. It had a TED.