This kit seems to combine the love of making music and making an instrument using electronics:
I pulled my first breadboard apart.
The Philips ones are even more DYI than a ready-made breadboard – you had to build the circuit board yourself (by adding connection points to a perforated board, originally masonite, later plastic) and then build the circuit on top of that. The manuals usually only provided schematics for the more advanced circuits; the layout was up to you.
The Philips kit was the one with the spring connections, right? My fingers always wearied from the pain. Electronics shouldn’t be that hard. Aside from that, though, the kit I had was well designed and I learned a lot from it.
I used a cocktail stick in the top and lever over.
Plus ca la change…
My childhood kit consisted of some Transistor for a radio, that turned out to not working, after assempling a primitive Radio. And making LEDs light up.
Greater succes, I had with replacing harddrives and such.