What Else Do I Need in Order to Use Sam's Modules?

I didn’t see a box, just two radio buttons, 8 or 25 Euros

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Yeah, since the last update Fritzing has gone for a ‘forced donation’ model unless your wanting to download and build the software from source (and even then they still say you should pay). So technically it’s open source as you can still get it and make changes and improvements etc etc, but if you want a nice user friendly experience they want you to pay to fund the development costs.

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Happy to pay for useful software. Once its usefulness has been established. Particularly in the case of a project that has nearly gone under in the recent past, it’s a bit cheeky to make you buy a pig in a poke.


I felt the same way recently when I went to try it out. I ended up going with KiCad instead which is confusing (at the moment anyway) but I shall defeat it eventually!

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I’ve been using KiCad, wanted to check out Fritzing mainly for the breadboard layouts.

Pretty good KiCad tutorial:


Fritzing sounds exactly like what I need! I am someone that learns by seeing and doing. I have been looking for sites that have images of a schematic and a stripboard so that I can compare the two. Adding the breadboard would be helpful as I have no idea how to use it.

How do you get power to a breadboard?

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You don’t have to be too formal about it. A lot of the time it’s just a matter of running the leads from a battery pack to the “rail” strips (the ones with the red and black or blue stripes along the edges.) Some breadboards have terminals on them but they’re not connected. They can be mildly useful if you have a bench power supply and the extra banana jack leads, but then you still need to screw down connections to wires and then plug the other ends of those wires into the rails somewhere. Also, if you have a larger board, be aware that the rails aren’t all automatically connected-usually only the holes in a run on one side are connected, so you have to connect them across a 400 or 830 point section.

Sometimes, the rails break in at the middle of a side run and sometimes they don’t. If they do, it’s just a a matter of connecting the rails across the break, but remember to check them for continuity before you start so you don’t waste a day troubleshooting it. Some cheaper breadboards are even broken at each set of 5 points on the rails. :face_vomiting:


lust installing fritzing now… I realy want to get into PCB printing but not got the time at present.

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I use Easy EDA. Wrote up about my experiences if you find it helpful. Fritzing was a bit more involved for my admittedly dated computer hardware. So, if it runs kinda shit for you too, maybe give this a whirl!


Yeah Fritzing is nice because it has the breadboard view and you can ratsnest out the schematics and PCB. Of course, humans are very good at introducing errors into software. If Fritzing took a picture of a working breadboard circuit and converted it, then you’d really have a package!


I build the Super Simple Mixer yesterday and its bloody easy, just six 100k Resistors, one 1k resistor, 4 audio Jacks, 3 100k pots and a TL072 , thats it ! :slight_smile: