What are some beginner diy stuff that are cool to use?

hey, i’m a bit preparing some diy stuff i will create !
do you have some ideas of fun things that are not “common” (i mean not the basics : vca, vco, filter, adsr, lfo)

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A noise box is a great DIY project. Attach springs, nails, whatever to the lid of a box and stick a piezo pickup under the lid. Then you can hit or bow even twang into a simple delay and reverb… Throw in a pitch shifter circuit maybe for some variety. Beginning this journey with instrument builds boosts confidence as you can end up with several new sounds very quickly.
Have you considered how you will work with the modular? Are there any interfaces you could build to assist in how you play?
Keep us posted.


i don’t really get what you mean by “noise box” (this can be caused by my poor english).

for the part of the interface to help me, i have thought about building the midi cv converter from midimuso


Sam’s version of the midi muso is cool as is the original. Both kits are straightforward. There are also many DIY midi to cv projects out there.

As for a noise box, I mean something like this…

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