Usb/midi midi monitor

I own a studio master ma36 midi monitor, but I thought it would be great to make a modern version based on a Teensy that could handle usb as well. This is what I have so far, I have coded up notes etc and it works fine. I’m going to add a lipo battery and handy case.


Completed MIDI Analyzer, everything seems to work, the stuck LED was actually the pitchbend LED which I forgot the routine to turn it off, so that’s added now.

So it has a MIDI thru port for inline connection, but I thought about adding a MIDI out and allowing filtering of messages with a display to select what to filter.


The hardware MIDI Analyzer in a case, slightly bigger than the original MA36, but I also added a MIDI out and an OLED display and 3 buttons for future options such as midi filtering on the output port.

Hopefully it will look a bit more functional when I’ve printed a front panel.

Front panel printed, could hardly get anything to stick to this plastic box, ended up having to use a contact adhesive. Not pretty, but functional, it has a 2000mA lipo battery and usb charger built in for portability.

MIDI filtering has now been implemented…

I found another use for my MIDI analyser and filter. Today I needed a CC message generator separate from my PC, so I recoded the Analyser to be able to select a CC number 0-127 and once chosen with the select button I could then alter the value between 0-127. I needed this to map the on screen messages of the Elka-X vst to my editor, so manually setting each control 0-127 and reading the onscreen value and adding it to the editor, very boring and tedious, but worthwhile in the end. So now I think I will add an option to the Analyser to be able to generate some of the messages on the MIDI and usbMIDI outputs.

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