i don’t think
personaly i would lengthen the legs of the caps
Thanks Dud for the layout, I just built it and it’s amazing
It’s really friendly but it’s not mine, it’s a @lookmumnocomputer layout
I know, I was referring to the stripboard layout, which I have used to build it
Yes it’s stripboard layout of Sam :
Sorry for the confusion I was replying to this mini-thread: Twin T Drums (Practical Electronics 1978) - #36 by BratAttack
My bad I’ll give Sam’s module also a try but I am missing two trimpots and a large enough stripboard, so I decided to go with the simpler one
So you made the Twin T Kick from @Krakenpine with my stripboard layout
happy that’s work !
Couple question about this circuit. I am working on a stripboard version of this, combining the original version with some of the changes for the module. I got the noise section done and I have been trying to test it because I am an engineer and like to test things. There is very little volume out of it, I just get a really faint pop. And I need to put in at least 6V. If I input on the other side of the 100nf cap it stays on and is quite a bit louder. Is the point of the cap on the input to act as a sort of timer? And it’s just super quite because there’s no amplification other than what my speaker is doing? I just want to make sure I am understanding this so I don’t frustrate myself chasing problems that aren’t there.
Oh, I am in idiot…the inductors I had on hand are 100uH and this calls for 100mH…that probably doesn’t help me much.
100uh and 100mH are different by the latter being 100000uh(100mH). So there could be a problem circui wise there mostly too
Both the updated and original stripboard layouts of the Rhythm Generator (STUFF - LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER) show a connection between pins 1-2, 5-6, 8-9, and 12-13 of the CD4011 IC. Yet, these connections are not visible in the actual stripboard when Sam @lookmumnocomputer zooms in. Are these pins connected or not?
They’re connected in the schematics in the magazine.
and also connected in the #2700 module version
Hi Sam, did you ever try with the 4011UBE? Any thoughts?
Someone tested it with no succes, look at the begining of this thread there’s a lot of info about that.
Sam says it works in his version, with some resistor value changes:
Back to another project with these. To go with my all-in-one synth I am going to make a drum machine based around this project and using the Big Button as the sequencer. Specifically this enhanced version with MIDI GitHub - matthewcieplak/hexdrum-midi: A MIDI-enabled fork of the LMNC big button
Parts are on order and working on my strip board. I was happy to find a larger size available off Amazon in the US so I don’t have to splice boards together this time. I gotta re-do a few things like, like adding the input resistors for the mixer, silly me. I am planning on sending the outs to 100K level pots before sending them into the mixer. I am also going to make the snare switchable, so you can chose between the High Bongo and Low Bongo via a DPDT switch.
I am thinking I want to add a filter and delay control to the noise, but I am not exactly sure how to accomplish that, if anyone has any suggestions.
The delay filter effect could be added as an insert loop, like a mixers. A dpdt switch could route the noise audio or you could pan into the loop with a pot.
It’s scary how old this thread is…
I am trying to find out why Poly caps were used in the Module. Is it referenced somewhere?
Noise reduction………………
Ahh, right that rings a bell but could not find it.