The UNVERIFIED Stripboard Lounge

That would do the trick, I just have a big pile of 555s I want to do something with, and there’s something classic about their non-quite-square sound.

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LFO with 555, i’ve made only this one, strange reaction to compare with others LFO i have but i like it
very simple, only schematic


A couple schematics I’ve found but not tried:

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Hello @GuywithBass welcome here :slightly_smiling_face:

Please, before it is tested maybe put somewhere on yours schematics “Not verified” for the moment, if someone in a search find it without the thread.

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I don’t know if you know, but you can enter the value of the components by double-clicking them and then simply having the BOM created in the bar on the left under “misc”. You can also insert the dimensions of the circuit board there, which I always find very practical. I’m really looking forward to your finished layout and I’m keen to build it!

Sorry, it’s my fault, I forgot to tell him.

By the way, the layout of @GuywithBass is what I posted first. His version is the newest now, so my posts could be deleted too, I think.

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my second try with “NOT VERIFIED” to shematics and stripboard lay out.

Thogre was kind enough to post my stripboard layout here for checking.

Today I quickly drew the circuit diagram without the power supply, which I suspect to be error-free.

In the meantime I have already found a few errors and tried to track down errors with the program’s test tools, but I would be happy if an expert glance found further errors.

My goal is to have the transfer to the stripboard checked.

I thank you in advance



Hello you lovely people!
Can you have a look over here please? Its this nice little Mofferfoffer :wink:

I think this could be a great module !!

It’s an 8Bit digital delay Bitcrusher thingy majiggy (in German “Dingens” or “Dingsbums”) that I found here, this time I also have a schematic for you :wink: .

You can overlook the + 9V because the power comes directly from the Arduino via USB


If you want to make a module out of this, you need to add the classical input and output “conditionning” circuitry to no blow up the arduino with synth levels.


Thank you very much I haven’t even thought about it, I actually wanted to use this part for my Volca sample. But while we’re at it, there is a specific circuit from the modular to my audio interface. So far I’ve always been from Sam’s simple mixer directly into the input of my active PC speaker. But now I’m a bit scared about my nice new UMC1820.

As @eric says, the input is not protected. Also, is seems as if R6 and R7 should change position to form a voltage divider. If you drive the corrected circuit with voltages below 5V your Arduino may survive, but above that you get large negative voltages. ADC inputs don’t like that :slight_smile: Try this simulation and play around with the voltages of the source on the left.

The simplest way to protect the input is with a 4.7V Zener diode (or 3.3V if the analogue input is rated for 3.3V). The diode has to be in series with a small resistor to get the right current to make it trigger. This circuit does the job. Note that there is another 10k resistor at the end. This one is there because the output may still have small negative voltages but the resistor limits the current that can flow through. ADCs have an internal protection that can handle small currents for voltages outside of their specification and that is used here.

Note, however, that you really want your input to have an adjustable attenuator. Have a look at page 6 of the schematic that I posted for the Teensy interface. If you leave out the filter in the middle, you should be able to adjust the resistor values to attenuate, shift and clamp the voltage for the Arduino.


Good idea also to protect the output pin, against the day you inadvertently plug a ±5 V signal into it.

Wasn’t sure whether this was OK to request someone make a stripboard layout?
Or perhaps know of an existing one for the XORBELL from modular in a week YouTube channel,
It seems like a great module but I’m too much of a noob to work out a layout from the schematic:

It sounds great in the video and I feel like it could be a great addition for any system,
Video : XORbell Metallic Noise Percussion - DIY Modular in a Week 9.3 - YouTube


Welcome Gunther! We also have our own thread for layout requests. You can find it very quickly with the search. But here you will also be helped with your project, I think it’s good and I like Kristian very much. Have fun with us

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Welcome @Gunther (fuckin love Gunther and the sunshine girls btw :rofl:)

Making a stripboard layout from schematic seems really complicated at first glance but I’m sure you could work your way thru it, especially with helpful people here!


@THOGRE @CTorp Thanks for the warm welcome, I’m sorry I’m obviously also quite a noob at forums.
I’ll post my request in there and will hoopefully get something going myself to post back in here

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It’s the minimal stripe of a moustache that’s the key to their sound :joy:

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I’m just going to believe that you’re the real Gunther.

I can’t believe I’m talking to you right now TBH


Found this online and I realllllllly don’t trust it, but I’m going to give it a shot…

This is really fun! I like the low bit sound.