Can someone please check my Layout from 3340 VCO?

Hi @ everyone! Can someone please check my stripboard layout. I built the pots on the PCB and added a Eurorack like plug. Basically it is Sam’s design or from the alfa4 VCO like most that you can find on the Internet.
I haven’t tested it yet and it’s probably not elegant either, but I think it works that way and I didn’t make a mistake. Would be great if one of our professionals could look.

Greetings THOGRE


@Dud , @Caustic , @KristianBloch , @fredrik ?
Is none of you there? And could you look over there please?

I have seen you post for updates and help here and other threads. I dont have time right now to fine-comb your stripboard layout, but if you are basing this off of Sam’s layout, many folks have done their own spins on it as you have. Perhaps you can cross reference those! :slight_smile:

Here is mine, which is also is 80% ripped wholecloth from other’s work. Be sure to read the thread sine many folks questioned my design and were right to do so. Their wisdom should be read as well.