The BST Thread (Buy, Sell, Trade)

No issue… I have another JLC order coming together…

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If anyone is interested I have about 11 modules for sale eurorack size. I meant to build everything myself, but for you all I could make a DIY-kit or sell panels+pcb+harder to find ic’s.

I’m also open for trades. (not KOSMO, I’m not ready yet… :smiley:)

Giving my FB selling price for reference. I’m totally open to lower price for you all. (this is for a full built module. So if you want DIY or something else it would obviously be even lower.)

Erica Synths Polivoks VCF - 90
Erica Synths Polivoks VCA - 75
Erica Synths Polivoks VCO - 110
Erica Synths Polivoks Modulator -55
Erica Synths Polivoks Mixer – 50
Erica Synths Polivoks Envelope – 60
Meebilt 909 Kick - 50
Meebilt 909 Rimshot -50
Meebilt 909 Hi Hat - 50
Meebilt 909 Snare - 50
Meebilt 909 Clap - 50

Edit: Erica synths delay and swamp are coming up.

Shipping from Belgium

And some pictures for atmosphere:

There are more… but don’t want to clog up the thread.



Build a couple Kosmo modules. If you end up not liking them that much, you can of course sell them here but you can also continue using them with your Eurorack stuff, just get some cable adapters or make a jumbler module to convert the plug sizes. Conversely if you like them a lot and decide to continue you don’t have to get rid of the Eurorack modules, you can use them with the Kosmo ones.

And if you have EVER thought “Man, why are these knobs so small and close together?” you ARE ready for Kosmo.


I do think those knobs are small sometimes… So I’ll have to convince myself to make a case. I wanted to keep my options open for buying some modules… Which I of course never did.

Edit: So willing to trade kosmo. You’ll force me to make a case. :wink:


Also if you have ever thought “Man, why are these resistors so small and close together?”


I thought that a few times while building the Erica DIY Envelope Generator. It gets tight in there fast, especially around the LEDs.


Added to my stuff for sale:

Weirdness (module based on MFOS Weird Sound Generator)

PCBs & panel $10 (US sales only)


I always think this when repairing modern Roland synths

The last of the DSO 138 PCB/panel sets has been sold. Other stuff, still there!

I’m open to trade my most recent builds:

Analog Kick (Erica Synths/MKI): My build progress - #6453 by Softek
μSpeaker: My build progress - #6460 by Softek

I have one of each fully build and ready to ship, but I still have some spare PCBs and panels. Putting together DIY kits seems more tedious to me, than building them, but I would also be willing to trade the PCBs and panels + those parts you don’t have at hand.

I’m located in Germany

I would be interested to trade my builds for some of your Erica stuff and/or buying PCBs, Panels and ICs for the VCF and VCO if those are still available :slight_smile:

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Definitely! Interested in both… Ill send a pm this evening.

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I’m looking for a Hero and Sidekick set of pcb/panels. Based in the United States. I’m just getting into Kosmo, so don’t have anything to trade in that format, but I have some Eurorack pcbs and pcb/panel sets I’d be happy to trade

Since I’m getting started in Kosmo, I’m interested in most things in that format, so let me know if you have anything extra and maybe we can work out some exchange

Update: Weirdness and Wave Displacer PCBs/panels are sold out.

I have a couple of pcbs and panels for my THT version of the mutable instruments grids, which I could trade or sell at cost price. (I’m located in Germany)

I could also put together two or three partial kits, which would include the needed opamps, shift-register, voltage reference, arduino and pushbutton.

Please note: I made a small mistake when designing the pcb, but there is a very easy fix for this: Pin 10 of the shift register needs to be bend outwards and connected to any point on the pcb that has +5V (see picture). Shouldn’t be a problem for anyone in this forum :wink:

I’ll put together a document with every information needed to complete the build.


Just got 5 PCB/Panel sets for a black version of @analogoutput ’s spring reverb. I will probably only keep one. If there’s any interest, PM me. I am US-based in the seattle area.


I also have 2 Buren 6+1 mult pcb/panels left over if anyone needs em

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Anyone interested in a midi keyboard? It’s a working “Evolution MK-149” keyboard. You can find a manual for the device on line if you want some more details.

You can pick it up for free if you like. I’m not shipping this anywhere.

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Got several KOSMO format PCB’s for sale (:

Bought all of these from the LMNC store several years ago, but didn’t get around to building, heck even playing them. Now i dont really have the time – so I thought maybe someone else might have fun with em!

Here’s the full list:
#1007 MIDI Muso MIDI-CV 33 €
#1222 Performance VCO (2 available) 33 €
#1183 Quad VCA Mixer 33 €
#1113 René Schmitz PERFORMANCE FILTER 33 €
#1145 KOSMO VCLFO 33 €
#1157 Mini ADSR 25 €

(all are PCBs only, no parts - exept the ICs that came with the MIDI-CV and the ADSR)

→ also could make you an offer for a bundle deal!

Prices excl. shipping

Europe shipping only, preferably even inside Germany.

Probably shipping via DHL – can give you the exact shipping cost on request, don’t hesitate to ask :slight_smile:

~ quarz

I’ll take the VCLFO, and the midimuso

Edit: never mind. I’m in the states :frowning:

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