Thanks for just being here

Mmmm, cake tiny


Ohh Happy 2yr Anniversary


It’s my cake day :smiley:

Already 2 years here and a few months before I started building my future Kosmo.

I remember when I discovered Sam’s universe and I was just starting to abuse electronic toys (and to destroy some of them forever) with my huge lack of knowledge in electronics, I was really hallucinating on his modular with his cables in all directions. I didn’t know anything about the modular world, and it seemed to me infeasible and light years away from my ability to achieve such a thing one day.
what ? a bipolar power supply, opamps, … it scared me!

but his enthusiasm, his sharing, his stripboard versions … I threw myself into this world with a good motivation and thanks to him and also to all of you I managed to build a MODULAR SYNTHESIZER from scratch (I still can not believe it)

Another big thank you to all of you and especially to Sam !!!


Happy cake day , you have come a long way ! that synth you have built is very impressive and sounds good to . :beers: cheers to another year .


…and the case per cake :birthday: ratio is now unobtainable for mere mortals :smile:


Joyeux anniversaire en retard.

Happy belated cake day. Sorry I missed it

We’re all glad you weren’t too “scared to try it”.
Your contributions to this forum are inspiring and appreciated.


Merci !
I believe that here we have all tried, … with more or less fear :smile:


@Dud youve only been at this for 2years? What the hell am I doing haha I, only just onto case 2 after a year and case 1 isn’t even full!!! =O
I seem to be getting a grasp of this now so perhaps I’ll be building at Dud-Speeds soon enough =)

Got to agree I do love the vibe here, everyone’s just so chill and helpful to someone like me. There’s no real judgment, only kind hands to help people get the best out of what they’re doing.
I’m still a learner to this world of modules and diy stuff but I genuinely love the leaning environment and the practical learning curve.
Even with my lack of direction… just sort of picking a path and seeing what I like.

I never expected myself to be building a big old box of wires and noise a few years back, i always saw myself as more DAW and automation based.

A big thanks to Sam for the words “Don’t be scared to try it” and his punk attitude when it comes to his tutorials.

You’re all legends to me!!!

Edit- @dud it’s your cake day? Happy belated cake day =) May your spoon be big and your cake large =D


Happy belated cake day to you @Dud ! :cake: :birthday: :tada: :balloon: :blush:


@willow2x , @popflier thanks !
a real pleasure to be here :slight_smile: