Can someone tell me what the SMD equivalent would be for a BC547 please?
This is for @CTorp K25 Gate to Trigger module. I need to do an SMD version for my case but I am not sure what to substitute it with. I am not seeing that there are any SMD versions of the BC547.
Any NPN transistor will do there.
2N3904 for example. (that should be MMBT3904 in SMD I think)
Still, test on a breadboard with a good old human sized transistor first…
Thanks. Breadboarding would take me a year to sort out, unfortunately. To be on the safe side could I have all of the other parts as SMD and leave the BC547 as through hole? I have the space on the PCB to do that.
If you have the space, there is nothing against it. You can mix THT and SMD freely, they have the exact same electrical characteristics.
Also, you could put both footprints (THT and SMD) on the PCB, and try with the MMBT3904.
If it doesn’t work, unsolder it and put a BC547 in…
And I think the '072 is overkill for driving the LEDs in this case. It is a trigger after all, that’s on or off, no subtle variations inbetween to show.
The LED (with its current limiting resistor) could just be put in parallel with R10/R11 (or R12/R13 for the second channel).
Probably. I tried just doing the led and resistor off the output first and it pulled down the trigger output too much. Couple of transistors would be fine tho.
Even with the 72 the pulse is so short the LED just barely lights up.
Looks like BC847BPDW1 is a NPN/PNP combo…
When I saw the pinout I told myself “cool you can mount it both way…”, then I noticed one is a NPN the other a PNP.
Yeah, I didn’t try it : “I think” means I could be wrong
And soldering a 8 pin socket for the '072 is easier than 2 transistors, unless you got them with the pins in the correct shape for the footprint used.
Oh, I love that site! Thanks for the link. I really like how they display the information on components. Easy for me to understand.
I think I matched an 847 component to the datasheet for the 547. I wasn’t sure if it needed to be single or dual. I didn’t see that listed on the datasheet but maybe I missed it. Is this a good substitute?
The 847 you link is a single transistor. You can tell because the package has only three legs. So you could use two of them (if your module is a dual gate to trigger like CTorp’s), or one of the one I mentioned. Or two of the MMBT3904LT1G and I’d be shocked if they didn’t work.
So the only thing that I have changed from @CTorp orig
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inal K25 module is this transistor. (Well, I also changed the jacks to 3.5mm.) Shouldn’t the rest of the schematic be fine since Cory tested it or are you saying that by changing the transistor that everything that comes after that in the schematic could be affected (i.e…the LED’s, resistors, etc…) ?
EDIT: @eric I just NOW realized that you had made a change to the schematic and removed the other pinouts on the tl072 on the lower right portion of the circuit. I didn’t see it at first and thought that you were saying that there was an issue with Cory’s. Sorry for misunderstanding.