2n5457 - A scarcity mentality

So to my understanding 2n5457 transistors aren’t being made or seem to be super hard to find. None on Tayda, Mouser has 1 listing and they want close AU$2 per a transistor which seems steep.

Apart from dodgey ebay vendors shipping from China (I’m sure I’ll get what I’ve paid for), anyone have some good sources for the 2n5457?

Alternatively, I’d love to understand if there’s a modern replacement that I can just substitute in without a care?

Thanks in advance!

Through-hole JFETs generally have been disappearing from the market, for whatever reason. Substitutes may depend on the circuit you want to build. This talks about 2n5458 (which Tayda has for a buck) as a substitute, but in the context of one particular circuit.

Added: Also, see here


go to GuitarPCB.com they have 2n5457 @ 1.95 each as of 10/25/20