I have a BOM that is needing one 2N5485 JFET N-CH 35V 625MW transistor. Tayda, Mouser, and Digikey do not have it in stock. Mouser suggested this as a suitable replacement?
Can someone confirm that this is comparable or if someone has a better solution what would that be?
Both Vgs(off) (gate voltage when JFET is fully off) and Idss (max current when Vgs = 0) differ, but if that’s an issue depends on the circuit, and JFETs aren’t very precise devices in the first place (both these parameters have fairly wide ranges). As I mention here about two somewhat similar JFETs, “if there’s no trimming procedure odds are the circuit is fine with either (or the designer just tested one, and you’re kind of screwed anyway).”
It helps to know what this will be used for in your circuit - as far as I can tell there are two types of JFETs in synthesizers - switching JFETs and amplifying/audio chain JFETs. They will have different characteristics and amounts of distortion. Do you know what it’s doing in your circuit?
This is one of those situations where breadboarding is helpful. I needed to substitute a JFET a while back and I tried a few types including several J112 and J113. They’re supposed to be pretty similar according to the (common) datasheet, with overlapping ranges for the parameters as @fredrik talks about, but all the J113 worked and none of the J112 did.
I did some more research and wanted to follow-up. I found a post by the designer of the circuit who said that the 2N5485 can be substituted for a J112. It obviously isn’t a universal fix that can work in all circuits since analog output didn’t have the same results, but apparently for this particular circuit it’s fine. (It’s for a Mutable Instruments build.) Thank you all for the information!