First Lil Synth

Hey, I’ve never posted in here, hope I’m not doing anything wrong…

I built my first project (I found the box at a thrift store this morning) that was inspired by the Megadrone initially. It’s using the CD40106 to send out three tuneable oscillators, each with their own volume control. I did something wrong when translating from breadboard to build, but I sort of like how chaotic it is so I’m just calling it my first synth child. It sounds almost like the chip is being starved, I’m not really sure! here’s a video of it


That sounds like a great start! I think the CD40106 is the same chip that’s used in the CHA/V PCB that I ordered recently :slight_smile:

I also really like the aesthetic of that simple wood box with the crunchy sounds coming out of it!


Sounds good man! Welcome to the forum


thank you :slight_smile:

Yeah, it’s a really great first chip to work with, very easy to get sound out of!


Tip: don’t use the link functionality and when you put a YouTube link on it’s own line, it’s embedded:

Neat box and welcome!


Superb looking synth. Look forward to seeing the family grow. Welcome

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Ah thanks for the tip!

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