Organ surgery/part harvesting

So this has been keeping me busy while I wait to get components for my modular. I have spent hours a day digging into this old Kimball temptation organ over ~2 weeks, not to get much progress. There’s a bunch of great stuff in it, like a drum machine, the two keyboards, bunch of switches, spring reverb tank, two amps, 2x 12in speakers, even a leslie speaker. I am just not sure what to do now and how to use everything separate. Anyone ever do something similar, or could give advice what to do next?


pretty much were all my wire comes from harvesting old home organs people are getting rid of. I built plywood boxes for 2x12" speakers and sold them . key beds I have a pile of them for future projects made a couple self contained drum/rhythm boxes . the volume pedals I have been eyeing for some kind VC thing just above my skill level at the time .


How did you make the rhythm section by itself, separate from the organ?

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My weird brain read this as Organ harvesting, and I was quite concerned.

I have an old partially functioning organ that I’ve been thinking of scrapping as well, so I will keep a keen eye on this. Hope to hear more!


Thought you were talking about old age there for a second. Time to go bionic!


Haha I kinda thought I was being witty there with the name, with the project it’s rough but coming along. At the very least I got some nice speakers? What type of organ do you have?

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Like your thinking there…

I’m going to get some old military modules to harvest the wiring looms from maybe. That stuff has really good wire! Just got to choose a module with lots of plugs and interconnects.


If you are looking for something with crazy wiring look up the MFOS 16 step sequencer, it’s kinda a nightmare in that aspect. Super cool though, its on my build list


Yeh, take it apart, you know you want to! Loads of stuff in those old organs… I have a tendency to collect old things, they sit there for a long time. Then I get annoyed with them and rip them to bits.


I have one, just have the components on the pcb’s still getting up the nerve to do the wiring .


some of them [ rhythm and bass pedals ] are an added component to the organ [ all self contained ] so to was a matter of powering it and out put jacks . its been years so I forget what organ it was or were the thing is for that matter. wonder if I could find it that maybe fun to plug into the synth stuff.