I did not need this and wasn’t planning on it, but a 2221 is up and running as well as a halting problem and a 2700 that’s patiently awaiting a 4011ae (my luck that I finished the halting problem and the 2700 back to back and had both a bad dac0800 that gave near zero voltage range and discovered the 4011 I had on hand was a B.)
One of the positives of having this curb-find, horizontal to the ground, dresser that I’ve been using for the past year is I’ll pull out almost all of the modules and rearrange each time I finish something new or try to work out a patch. Unfortunately my time with this flexibility is nearing and end. I’m now constrained and need to start planning out more permanent cabinets and a bit more rigid installation/layout of the modules. A problem for next week, after I finish off a kickall and wrap my first set of rhythm modules.
not into the coding at all so yeah why I like something like the OaC all preprogrammed for a lot of stuff and people have made easily loadable alternate programs .
@Tangram it’s a sampler (rompler) I created for Pi Pico clones, the ones with 16mb flash. Each one holds a couple hundred drum samples (or whatever you want) and audio output via PWM. Pitch adjustable and controllable via CV (yes, at audio rates) and linear interpolation takes care of aliasing artifacts at low playback speeds. Trigger manually via the button (which illuminates according to output signal level) or trigger input. SEL input takes a cv and applies an offset to the selected sample. When a trigger is received, it plays whichever sample is selected + offset at SEL input. So, you can use it to create drum patterns (or whatever) with a single module. Or you can use it for round-robin type stuff. It’s DIY in the sense that I designed it and programmed it and had prototypes made, unfortunately I don’t have any kits available or anything right now since I’m trying to fill out the rest of the rack with the necessary basic tools to make demonstrations meaningful.
Everything works! There is an empty spot now. I cannibalized my 4x tap loop to make the 2x on the base case. All 4 never worked right on the same module. So I will probably put another Attack release envelope in that spot. Anyhow this my diy rack!
Fake? If it seems to work in your module, then I wouldn’t call ik fake. What I found about it in the mean time is that is seems to be a module based on the RP2040 with some more features. There is a 1 year old video on the ‘Garry explains’ youtube channel about it. Whether all of the extra features work, I don’t know.
I use these “fake” or should I say clone YD-RP2040 boards a lot, they have more pins available than a standard pi Pico including 4 ADC ports instead of 3. And also 2, 4, 8 & 16mb versions for a very low price.
Yeah MB and it is usable, you can select in the Arduino IDE how you split up the memory allocation. For example the Hagiwo drum sample playback module has 4mb which limited it to 48 samples of 0.6s.
I’m using these 16mb clones and I have two banks of 128 samples per board with varying sample lengths and still plenty of room.
Whereas in the Poly kit 16 build I’ve just used 2mb boards as no extra storage is required for the DCOs.
It seems that “VCC-GND” are the original manufacturers of “YD” boards and there are other boards in the same format made by various other manufacturers.
This reminded me to check on a hunch, since I have a yd-rp2040 that would not work with infinite digits pikocore firmware (which overclocks the RP2040)
The difference? Mine has a 25VQ128DSJG flash memory chips from a with a Z logo, and I can’t find a datasheet for, rather than a Winbond 25Q128JV flash IC.
I suspect that the non-winbond IC’s are either poorly matched to the RP2040 QSPI interface or are used above rated spec and will not work if you exceed 133Mhz, heck if my hunch is right it might be better to run these boards at lower clock speeds or better yet a higher SPI clock division.
Have you thought of a way to check whether changing the clock speed(s) makes the device run better? It would be interesting to read about your findings then.
@craigyb Have you experiences any problems related to the type of flash memory? Are they 25VQ128DSJG or 25Q128JV on the devices you used?
I’m not sure I’m likely to look into this much more, I now have a TE EP-133 on button pushing sampler duties, so I have less interest in Pikocore at the minute. I’ll likely post on another forum where others may pick it up. Now that I know what I’m looking for there are many GitHub issues on the pico-idk project asking for various board configuration changes for various under performing flash chips.
Thanks! I don’t have all my stuff with me right now (my amp is in storage and i still need a better recording setup) but when i get moved into my new apartment i will get set up with some actual sound and post a jam. I’m still playing on the same patch as my last posted recording, but I’ve incorporated the new sequencer and I’m building a Devil’s Triangle drone to add to it. In a week or two i should have something good for you, my friend!