My build progress

The last couple of days I’ve been working on v0.2 of Wave-Multiply-O-Matic, a Serge Wave Multiplier. It is coming along nicely. Here are 2 of the 3 PCBs:


Do you have some sounds? Is it like a normal wah? I want to try this! XD

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If you have used one of those 100 DSP effect units to build a module, you know that it is difficult to remember the program number each effect has.

If you also have some small space in your rack that is too narrow for another module, then the following might interest you.

In the first picture I’m pointing at the small space left in my rack that today I’ve managed to fill. There is a bit of plastic sticking out of it which has a tab.

If you pull that tab then you’ll find a table containing all the DSP FXs and their program numbers will emerge from the depths of the rack.

Isn’t that neat?


Got my build on today, finally built the 2nd VCO for my synth. Now it’s a dual oscillator unit, with all the stacked waves, gnarly sync noises and out there FM sounds that entails.



Not sure whether this counts as progress… after 3 weeks of dealing with PSU issues, I finally got the whole system assembled and running again. I hope it’ll be noise-free and stable now.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that every hobby has its less-fun parts, and that that’s okay.


Messing with an ISD1820 chip


Here’s the 2nd VCO in action modulating the filter’s cutoff:


Well, finally.

This thing has been such a pain in the ass for such a long time. Design changes, mechanical design stupidities, PCB layout errors, parts availability, soldering problems, unsoldering problems, you name it, if it didn’t involve catching fire it probably happened. It’s kludged together in a horrible way due to said mechanical design stupidities; if I hadn’t gotten this one working I would have entirely redesigned it before trying to build another. But it’s working, it’s together, it’s in the case. And yes, I misspelled “PAIN” on the front panel.


Cool work! Are those inputs stereo too? Or is it mono-to-stereo?

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Yeah, four mono inputs, pan pots to place them in the stereo output field.

(The last step in the completion process was to replace the pots board with one connected correctly, such that if you want to pan something right, you turn the pot to the right!)


Nice, that’s useful! I recently got a behringer rack mixer for this, but having the faders is super useful. I’ve also been working on a voltage-controlled panner module. That’s basically done, just need to document it before posting. Cheers,


I finally bought some wood, I will be able to make my new case and finish the 7 panels that are missing. So tomorrow work in the garage


I had an ISD1760 voice recorder module, never got it to work without adding horrible noise. So I pulled the IC and tried it on the breadboard. Less noisy, still noisy. Yeah, I’d think I’d rather play with the ISD1820, at least to start with.


Sans titre

i have the same brown on one of my breadboard :grin:

Joking aside, the “problem” with these samplers is the “click” when the loop is triggered. It’s Lo Fi but finding a solution to reduce that would be good.
I remember that I saw a video with a solution for it but I can’t find it anymore, if i find it I will give a sign :wave:


A reminder of this A litany of dumbassery - #312 by analogoutput


Cut, screws, glue … some wood this morning with the nice sun today (cool for the paint this afternoon :slight_smile: )


et hop !
it’s almost green with the light but don’t worry it’s black :grin:


Is this some PSU for outdoor stuff? I saw something like that on ebay. Do you know what kind of jack it uses on the 12V AC side?

Yes it’s a waterproof PSU and for the cable i don’t know, i made a trick with this type of adatator

Sans titre

with a little power socket like this

Sans titre

and some hot glue :slight_smile:


Ah, nice. I will try one of these. They really go for cheap on ebay.