Module requests

@d42kn355 What about Software Automatic Mouth? That guy can say “execute” like no other.

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Check korg monotribe schematics - it is very easy to breadboard :wink:

S.A.M. is something i’ve never had the chance to play with!!

@d42kn355 Josh, check this out. Someone made a web app that emulates SAM. It takes a sec to load, but you can mess about with it. Pretty close to the original!

And if you arnt against VSTs, this is a VST version!

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I’d say something along the lines of a clock with a bpm display, tap tempo and maybe a clock divider squeezed in too


@dav Thats a good one! Sounds like a good use of an arduino, 555s are not accurate clocks. You can determine BPM by getting the clock pulse in hz, and convert. 1Hz = 60BPM.

Conversely, you should be able to tap tempo with a button input to the serial input using the inverse operation.


I would love some sort of arpeggiator. I’d also love something more specific to bass. I can’t ever find a bass that I am happy with in any of my VST’s (and I have a ton.) The only other thing I was thinking of would be a LMNC version of Pressure Points? I saw that the Synth DIY guy on YouTube did something, but I think a LMNC version would have a few options and might actually be useful for you during a live show. Just sayin’ :slight_smile:

Also, have you considered releasing the PCB’s you did already for the power strips for your cases? I would be interested in those since I am building one unit with all of your modules in it.

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cool! well the whole synth voice im putting out first is bass hungry :smiley: so hopefully that’ll be all ok! as for the power strip. I will be bringing one out, however those ones are sub ideal. they dont allow enough current, and also sometimes the positive rail doesn’t initiate. I have a design that is better, but I haven’t fully figured it out yet. very soon!!! after the ADSR/VCA/VCA mixer hopefully power!


…with an 2164 you could do an EASY quad sidechain modul (did it by accident during building a dual log/lin VCA with the 2164…)


Many Thanx Sam …because of you and your channel I now just started to build a modular synth :wink: …and for now, only your LMNC stripboard modules …
I’m excited to hear about the ideas with the bass module(s) , kick drum and more…so I second that!
Maybe a simple sequenzer, to go with em, that accepts external clock in would be great…maybe even for one drum module only for starters and then expandable for more…
And please keep making layouts in stripboard for us :wink: … so when I feel like it, I just take some components and start right away…
Big thumbs up for you ! Cheers, Roro


wow, those drums sound real good, and so simple compared to 808 copies


Hello everyone, super green with diy synth stuff. I see that Sam has a KOSMO Braids unit. I would love to see the design and how this was made.

2 Likes and a custom panel, maybe?

You can also fit standard Eurorack panels in a Kosmo rack, see e.g. the screenshot below from this video.


I really want a Clouds module and a Yarns module. The DIY ones I’ve found are all SMD and my solder skills are not good enough for that. :frowning:

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I don’t remember the video I watched now but the key to hand soldering SMD is flux, flux and more flux then use the solder drag method. I used to hate having to do anything SMD, now I’m fine with it :slight_smile:
Swamp the contacts and the pins with liquid flux using a cotton swab, load your iron up with solder, do an edge pin or two to secure it then just slowly drag the iron across the pins. If any happen to stick together apply even more flux and heat again.

Found it :slight_smile:


hello two things! the braids in my modular were just eurorack braids I made a while back smd, I just made a panel with clear acrylic plastic and black spray paint.

another thing to add is braids thru hole :-

and another one Is im thinking of making the above in kosmo format as a open source project


Thanks @JimmyK9! Maybe I will be brave enough to try it in a few months after I’ve had more soldering practice because I really want a Clouds module and this seems to be the only way to get it, without purchasing a fully built one.

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Yes Please!!! Also a slew/glide device would be great.


I would love to see a bit of an explanation on how you did the Drum Can machine. I understand that it’s pretty simple, just gate inputs that trigger the solnenoids. But there is also distortion in there, and I am a simple man, and my human zombie brain needs leaders to lay things out in an obvious fashion.

I will create a Drum Can clone to make horrible industrial noise MUWHAAHAHA ahahahaahahahaahaAAhaaaaaaaaa


looking into building an Oscilloscope in Kosmo. So far i found some nice screen sizes compat with Arduino, but maybe this has been done already ?

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