yes, nothing else happens at the ic input, there is a signal but it is no longer powered
What are you clocking it with? Your inputting clock signal may not be triggering the ic at all. I had to modify the one I built because I couldn’t get it to trigger from my clock source…
This is a link to the thread I posted in the forum.
I have an oscilloscope dso138 then I really thought that when a signal arrives it will divide
It may be that the signal coming from your scope is not strong enough. The 4024 will need a minimum voltage (you’d have to check the datasheet) a high enough amplitude (all the way up!). The scope just has a test signal, right?..
Does the MOMENTARY STEP switch work? Perhaps your LFO doesn’t quite get up to +5V or down to 0V.
If it helps: I needed a little transistor circuit (stolen from Yves Yusson’s clock divider) to condition the trigger signal for my CLOCK DIVIDER and SUB-OSCILLATOR modules.
Has anyone tried Izhar’s schematic? Looks simple, I’m assuming the switch is two SPDTs…?
The unverified image of the schematic is here.
I think the switch is 1P4T like a 4 way rotary switch as it allows selection of 4 different counts.
I wondered that, but on the vid he seems to have two separate switches?
Well what makes me think that is simple, 1 connection at the top to the reset input of the 4022 and 4 connections at the bottom to the outputs of the 4022, I can’t see it being any other type of switch.
I agree that’s what the schematic suggests but in the video they’re clearly using two toggle switches of some kind, and it sounds like they’re getting something more complicated than just a pulse every 3 or 5 or 6 or 7; I’m guessing it is something with two SPDTs.
I just rolled out of bed so I may be wrong, but I think with this you’d get 50% duty cycle pulses on /2 through /32 (e.g. /16 would be on for the duration of 8 pulses, off for the next 8) while the /3, /5, /6, /7 outputs would be duty cycle of 1/n (1 pulse on, n-1 pulses off). As long as what you’re using this for pays attention only to the rising edge that’s okay, but if it responds to the gate width that might be problematic. You could AND the /2 etc. outputs with the clock input to make those all be the same width.
I’m a little more troubled with another aspect of the schematic, they’re clocking these chips with the output of a comparator, which is about ±10.5 V. Logic chips should not be exposed to big negative voltages, absolute maximum input voltage range is -0.5 V to VDD+0.5 V. I think these chips probably have internal ESD protection diodes, but using those as circuit design elements I think is bad form and in any case they can’t work without a series resistor on the input. Frankly I’m amazed they got this to work without blowing the chips. A 1k series resistor followed by a Schottky diode to ground after the op amp output would address this problem.
(Meanwhile you might want to repost the schem with UNVERIFIED on it.)
Hmm, interesting. What I’m really looking for is a simple way of dividing the clock from a Korg sq-1 (either via the sync out, or via the doepfer midi to cv that I use with the sq-1) to either run a second Korg sq-1 or a baby8 style sequencer, using their cv to control the filter to get some more interesting rhythmic variation.
Unfortunately I can’t add unverified - it isn’t a picture I posted, it’s a link I pasted in to the original Flickr page that discourse converted automatically. I’ll see if I can change it back to the link so it’s clearer…
I think I understand it better now I’ve seen it on the big screen, I was watching on my phone before. These are center off toggles, so they are acting like a 5 way switch with the centers wired together. It can be completely off with no reset at all, then combinations, but I think you would be wiring two outputs together if your did it that way.
How would I add momentary button to the reset in section of this schematic?
You want the button to send a positive voltage to the reset, so it needs to connect to +12 V.
You don’t want it floating when the button isn’t pressed, you want a connection to ground, but through a resistor so the +12 V overrides it when pressed. 10k is reasonable.
To limit current if the button is pressed and a reset pulse occurs at the same time, put a 10k resistor in series.
Switch bounce isn’t likely to be a big issue in this instance but it can’t hurt to put a capacitor to ground after the resistor to make a low pass filter anyway. A millisecond or so for RC should be fine. So maybe 100 nF.
So I’d try something like this:
gonna build this one as sooon as my order from tayda comes in thanks juggle. i started a drum rack at the top of the year and stripboarded lmnc twin-t layout by dud (came out killer TY) , two of the “hi-hat/snare” layout from here as well for tinky/tanky percussion.
I started off with the SQ-1 triggering the drums now i feel like i need more gate outs to trigger a few drum modules.
I welcome any suggestions for a NEXT module to add to a primitive drum rack
EDIT: the clock divider juggle posted there is a cut where -12v go’s, any reason why? i just dunno