Logarithmic v. Linear Potentiometers in Audio Levels

I know this has been brushed on slightly before, but I was curious to hear everyone’s thoughts on log v. lin potentiometers. Log is typically used for audio level signals (as the human ear perceives volume logarithmically), however, I notice a lot of modules on this forum use linear for almost everything including audio signals. Those that use strictly linear: do you find that you are impeded (pun intended) in any way when dealing with volume control, and how much is it a factor to you?


I use linear in my mixer and seems just fine. Granted its just a cludgy mixer. In my experience, I just buy linear, but for special projects maybe one can use them. Like for a more advanced mixer for instance?

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i think on sliding pots its more important, rotary makes the difference less noticeable as you often cant do a full sweep in one easy movement.

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Most “audio” uses of a pot is for attenuation.
In this case it is really easy to make a lin pot look like a log one, you can even adjust the feeling to your liking…
(ONLY for a pot wired as attenuator, DOESN’T work in other cases)

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