Let's Play The Name Game!

We’re all people with no imagination. We let our parents choose our nicknames, at birth :slight_smile: :smiley:


Hey me too! So was my little sister. My brother, who falls between us in ages, is home-made though. Boy did I mess with him about that…


Heh… by accident. :slight_smile:


For about an hour, my handle was actually FunqueDroppings. I thought better of it. Funque Droppings was a small vinyl label I ran from 1997-2000. Lived on for some years after that as a net label. The general idea was what was left after Funk music had been consumed and digested.


I am the eldest of 4, the others are all ‘home-made’ as you put it :wink:


So not an homage to John Deere Green then?

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thought I answered this somewhere already . oh well , its part of my E-Mail address which is a play on last name sort of .


had to look it up . not what it sounds like. not hanging by neck , but rather hanging by foot from the tree of life . has more to do with perspective on life than being hanged . and with special meaning by the way you got it , its a keeper.


Yeah, tarot interpretation is neat and kinda complicated.


Very much so. My bud and I interpret tarot and other similar divination methods like this: The ideas that come from divination don’t actually tell the future or anything, but they allow you to suspend your disbelief in a way that is conducive to thinking about decisions and paths you may be taking in a different light.

I don’t believe in magic as a literal force, but I do think that rituals like that have a really neat purpose in life analysis.


At first I looked at the French interpretation on Wikipedia, and it’s quite different! I wondered why you liked that… And then I realized that the interpretations varies with the languages/cultures, I guess.


Oh and here’s mine’s signification:
I have a friend named Rémi, that was nicknamed “remot” (this will be relevant).
At first, I picked a really imaginative one: “moi” (“me” in French). At some point, I wanted to have a proper internet name (it was for Minecraft if I recall correctly), so I thought about my friend, remot, which could be translated to “télécommande” in French (remote control). As télécommande can be a bit long, and because some sites don’t accept accents, I shrunk it down to telec.
Now, why 16? Because that’s a nice number, it has cool mathematical properties, and it kind of “follows me”, as I see it everywhere around me (I know it’s probably a bias, but still!).


If 16 is following you, report her to the rest of the numberjacks :wink:



I’ll bite on this. I have never explained my username to anyone but I have been using it for any and everything since 1997.

I’m a huge U2 fan. I guess huge might not be the best word to use? Dedicated? Hmmm. I have seen them live over 200 times throughout Europe, North America, and South America. If U2 is touring then so am I. The day they stop touring will be a very sad day in my life. There’s many of us fans out there and we all know each other for the most part. (I can go to any U2 show anywhere in the world and will know at least 30 people there.) The band knows us and will stop and talk to us often. 200 shows is actually a low number. I have friends who have seen every U2 show since 1997 except for 14 of them. That was only because they were having a baby and the wife couldn’t travel. I also helped write a U2 book years ago that the band uses regularly on tour still to this day.

My name started initially as POPfly, taken from U2’s album “POP” and the song “The Fly.” It quickly morphed into “Popflier” because I had planned to use it as an artist name for releasing music. That changed but I use “popflier” for everything. It’s never taken on any site.

Before I get pounced on for even being a U2 fan and hearing the “I hate their politics” or “their last decent album was Unforgettable Fire,” etc… you should know that I cannot entirely explain why I love them so much. I can tell you that I have seen Bono do/say some unbelievable things for/to fans. He’s always the first to stop and talk to fans and the last to leave. Bono is my boy and that’s definitely part of it, but beyond that it’s hard for me to put it into words. If you have seen them live prior to 2015 then it might help you to understand…maybe? They also do not reflect any of the other music I listen to… AT. ALL. (Depeche Mode, Cure, Joy Division / New Order, OMD, Nitzer Ebb, Skinny Puppy, Kraftwerk, Xymox, Sigur Ros, Smiths, Knife, Jesus and Mary Chain, Gavin Friday, Lamb, Massive Attack, etc…) are some other favorites.


An old friend of mine was such a U2 fan that he named his bar “Vertigo.” He immigrated to the US from Croatia after the war and told us stories about having to crank an upturned bicycle to power the generator so that he could listen to his radio long enough to hear their songs. It sounds like you’ve had to justify your following them in the past, which sucks.

I was a little surprised not to see The Police or Men at Work in the following list. They usually overlap the U2 Venn diagram.


That’s crazy about the bicycle generator. If it were the only way I could hear their songs I would too. :laughing: I absolutely would have gone to his bar! Is that bar still around?

U2 is really an anomaly band for me. They do not reflect anything else that I listen to, which is why there probably isn’t any overlap anywhere. The Police are okay. I like a few songs. Ironically, Men at Work - Business as Usual was the first cassette tape I ever had but I only ever liked the “hit” songs off it. I’m just glad that you didn’t say Coldplay. I had to work with that band for their first 3 records and I could tell you stories of what a hypocritical a$$hole Chris Martin turned into when Rush of Blood… came out. Incidentally that’s when he met Gwenyth. :thinking:

Yes, I have had to justify my passion for U2 for years. I’m used to doing it every time I mention that I follow them. Someone always says something and it’s usually one of the two things I mentioned…politics or their music post 1985 sucks.


If anyone has an issue with Achtung Baby, they can take it up with me :rofl:


I rarely or if at all follow the personal / political lives of performers . if I like the music I like the music . U2 jams for sure .


Device X,

If I’ve entered the personal life of a musician and there is a point that I realize they’re an asshole I stop listening to their music and I block them on social media. They also have a tendency to try getting back into my life to legitimize themselves. I’m not a rung in their social ladder. Sorry but a lot of music I listen to is made by people I feel that I know. It gets kind of disturbing the things you learn about those in music. There are things that separate artists that came to prominence in the 20th century vs. 21st century. I credit MySpace to connecting musicians with their audience in a unprecedented way. I know I don’t really care one way or another how a 1960’s artist acted in their personal life because I don’t actually know what the world would’ve been like without the music. I think its probably best to frame 20th century music in the context and appreciate it with cracks. Especially if the world has grown to be better. Sorry again for rambling.

-Fumu / Esopus


no I understand I think , you try not to support / legitimize someone’s bad behavior even if it means not listening to their music . nothing wrong with that .