Introductions: Say hello, tell us about yourself and your projects

Hi there,
Synth enthusiast from the Low Countries here. Earlier this year I revived an old dream that I had since college of building my own modular synthesizer after discovering LMNC on Youtube. I find the Kosmo format/phylosophy/aesthetic quite nice, so I’m going for it. I’m also an Electronics Engineer by training, but I rarely have the opportunity to design PCBs professionally. I’m happy I found a way do that as a hobby and can’t wait to make music with the final product!!!

Here’s a picture of the case I built with the “husks” of some modules I’m designing. The only module that’s complete in this picture is the “Adapter Mult” all the way to the left. I decided that this would be my first design because of its simplicity and utility: I plan to use the VCA/Envelope/LFO/etc from my semi-modular synths to test out the Kosmo modules as I build them, so I need a handy way to convert from 3.5mm to 6.35mm jack sizes. And with the toggle switches I can group the “rows” to form a mult if I want to. The module also gives me frontal access to the power buses for testing/troubleshooting module prototypes, as well access to the CV and Gate buses from the Befaco Troley Bus that powers the system.
The other modules for now are only front panels that I made to test out the aesthetics. Will be filled with PCBs soon!


Great stuff, welcome to the forum. I realy enjoy the PCB desiging when it goes to plan :slight_smile: