How’s everybody holding up?

Ahh man what is it with neighbours. The dude on my right is ok but the girl to my left would wake me and my gf (and probs half our street) up at like 8am pretending she’s at ibiza (when the reality is, its rainy/cold england lol)
Aswell as other late night ‘noise’ but ill leave that detail vauge.
Im a self proclaimed insomniac with a pita trapped nerve in my butt cheek whose been running off 3/5 hrs sleep the past few months.

But a complaint seems to have sorted that out for now. I at least get to wake up at my own choosing.
Oh the novelty. Haha.

Heres to small victories! =D


Earlier: Walking Neve in the cold air.


Aw man, fuck 2020.


yeah I second that ! :-1:


Taking school online is sort of a bust. I’m either fully on my school work and completely engaged, or forever ignoring responsibilities. None of it truly feels real or tangible.

Otherwise I’m feeling pretty good. I live in a COVID hotspot so my partner and I are very careful with who we see and where. Coming to terms with having to buy new things to make my time spent at my desk more comfortable, like a phone dock, wrist cushions, new office chair. I’m finding it interesting that the longer I spend in a certain place the more I realize what I don’t like and try to improve it.


Yikes, too little too late. Sage have been saying what I was saying a few weeks ago. They were overruled for political convenience and now the heavy costs are baked in.


I’m with you. I couldn’t believe the news. I didn’t realize how long he was fighting cancer for. I read that he believed that he got cancer from a metal guitar pick he used to keep in his mouth playing live over a 20 year period. He was convinced that was the cause.

I remember drawing the Van Halen logo when I was in 3rd grade. One of my friends in class showed it to me and that was it. I drew it everywhere…LOL. I remember when Hot for Teacher debuted on MTV and I was blown away by Eddie’s guitar playing. The guy was incredible. I never got to see them with DLR…just Hagar back in the 90’s. Just not the same with Hagar :frowning:


Not that I a m too bothered, but I hope Cumbria does not get lumped in with a northern shutdown.


The way things are going I think another full lockdown is inevitable in England. The opening was too ambitious, driven mainly by the perceived need to get kids back in something resembling normal school. They effectively squandered the modest gains of the summer.

Pubs and restaurants should not have been allowed to open.


“the best song written about a 35-year old going back to school”

EDIT: Another excellent Two Minutes to Late Night cover band did a longer Van Halen set at SLAY AT HOME back in May.


They shouldn’t have opened here in the US either. I live in the middle of the city and I can walk to the main area where there’s shops and restaurants (what’s left…many have permanently closed) and find 10+ people gathered, not socially distanced, and not wearing masks.

We have to find a different child care arrangement because our Nanny, who is 50 I might add, insists on going out with different friends each night and doesn’t wear a mask. You just shouldn’t do that if you’re taking care of children. We know too many people who have died from this virus and it seems many do not take it seriously. It’s really frustrating.


USA current events are weird. We have a sheriff suggesting that this domestic terrorist group can just arrest the governor and its not kidnapping somehow. At least the FEDs caught them jeeze.


Governor has overruled covid restrictions and people are just being plain stupid.

Trump Jr is going to be holding campaign event within 2 miles of where I live.

Job toying with making people go back into the office.

We are averaging approx 1600 new cases daily.

Had a few scares with friends and family.

However, so far everyone is safe, and financially stable. We just need to ride this out, and help others when they need it.


f @@*ing idiots . wannabe cowboy / solders . good thing there will not be a 2nd civil war because they would die / loose miserably again.


Never say never, domestic terrorism is happening a lot more, and radicalization vectors will still exist after NOV 3rd no matter the outcome of the election. Fatigue is setting in, so im just hoping for at least a few months peace before we get started again in 2021.

I need to get back to making janky diy synths and midi controllers. I fucking hate going on social media, but I did nothing to fight disinformation campaigns last time around, and i couldn’t do nothing this year.

Will love to go back to not giving a shit in a bit. I got some vacation coming up, ill prolly finish up my DIY midi controller project i shelved months back. :slight_smile:


Feels like you have an unstable powder keg, but the keg is not just a few barrels…


We will be alright. Builds character lol.


Did my part.


I voted as well. Thanks for participating!


Samesies! I got to thinking-with the endless parade of shock and awe through the headlines the last 4 years, if there was an October surprise this year would we even realize it was one?