Panel works! without me having to redo it… So the thing I changed was the reference voltage pin… I changed it to Sam’s schematic. He changed the 320 ohm resistor to a 1k one… This seemed to do the trick. (also no decoupling cap) Maybe something else got fixed along the way…
Still have no clue why my regulators got damaged… Maybe that’s an entirely different story. Maybe they’ll still blow up… But then I won’t be looking ugly at this wonderfully working envelope generator.
Now I’m making 2 envelope generators! Cause I already started a fresh one…
Aaah! You know this feeling, right? When it finally works. Now I’m a little behind my intended schedule of 2 modules a week… So I’m going to try and finish another today. Maybe something that can’t go wrong. Like an attenuator… Or a mixer. Well that’s the reason I started this one… I thought it couldn’t go wrong… Meh… I’m babbling. Until my next problem!
edit: I see that connecting that 1k, disables level CV… Really carefully read the datasheet next time.
Well… it’s possible I still have to fix that problem. Because I’ve been using an adapter to feed me 5v. So it’s possible my VR’s will still blow up. But I’m assuming my problem lies with the power supply than.
New update: Just completed a quad vca with v2164 chip. It worked first try! Who would have thought! I spend 2 entire days soldering, stripping wires, making front panel, double checking,… Like seriously. It took ages… Don’t know why… Lots of cables. (my goal is still to make an 8-voice polyphonic synth… What a beauty it will be…)
However! I turned on the power supply… And my gf yelled: turn it off! Something smells like burned plastic!
So… I’m guessing something’s wrong with the power supply. I’m just going to solder off the 5v bit for now. (Nothing was hooked up to the 5v… so I’m guessing a short or something? Although I don’t know how that’s possible with a pcb. diode the wrong way?)
Meh… Next module! No 5v… So I’m postponing this problem.
So… I burned another 7805… But I put in another one, which doesn’t heat up! Could it be a faulty batch of 7805? Or could be because it’s a different type of 7805?
So 78l05 heats up… With l7805cv it works fine… Am I pushing this envelope generator beyond 100mA? How would that even be possible?
It’s current not voltage they cannot cope with if I remember the spec. Check what’s drawn through. Different models are rated for different currents. Please somebody else step in now as the meds I’m on just convince me I’m right but I’m too full of codine right now to look it up.
No you’re right. I believe one is 100mA the other is 1.5A… So I’m assuming I’m drawing too much current… But more than 100mA seems excessive for an envelope generator…
Note that the rated currents assume “adequate heatsinking” – if you use them as is, with only air cooling, they may not get close to the max ampere rating before they overheat. What source voltage are you feeding it with?