EasyEDA footprint names [was What's in a name (EasyEda related question)?]

Names, names, names. Whenever I struggle to find stuff on line or in an application it is when I do not know the word for a specific thing. I’m looking for the symbol for a pin header (preferably 1x12) AND foot print in EasyEdaś libraries. The only things I can find are KiCad symbols without footprints (what use are they in a pcb-design library?). Furthermore I’m looking for the 16 pin version of the EuroRack header including its footprint. Again I can only find a symbol, but no footprint. I would expect there to be many versions of it, so I must be looking in the wrong place or using the wrong search words (names). Can anybody give me a hint?

Try looking in the community section. There are quite a few of 16 pin headers for eurorack. I haven’t really found a official 16 pin header. But the community ones work.

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Where/how can I find this community section?

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here you go hope this helps.


Ah, the ‘user contributed’ section does not show up until you do a search. Hadn’t caught that yet!


Yeah it through me for a loop too. Since I started using easy eda. Glad I was able to help.


Double check the footprints to whats found in the datasheets. Also, learning how to make your own footprints in EDA is a valuable thing i have found. It is actually pretty easy! I did this to make custom footprints for the short slide pots in my control module.


I’ve sat for an hour looking for footprints, when it really isn’t that bad to make your own and I could have been done already. The last time I got a footprint off the net it fucked me though, so maybe I’m just scared.


I do this for my pcbs designs on a piece of foam for double checking.

Project: Foammy Foam

It lets you test component size and placement clearance too double check foot prints. It kinda like a pinned up dissection of a frog. Learned this from Ben Heck a Console modder “DO it on paper first, PCB material ain’t cheap”


Finally decided to clean up my guitar synth cables. I used to use a lot of Roland GK equipment. I’m adding DIN 13 sockets to my routing block as I have a few circuit board mount sockets in my dross.
But search how I might I can’t find a footprint in easy eda. Any ideas?

Hey, I’m just taking my first steps in EasyEDA and am looking for a very simple footprint for 0805 or 1206 resistance with 100k. I only see resettable fuses or induction coils. What should I look for or am I too stupid? I have already tried Resistor SMT 1206 100k. PLEASE HELP! I would like to finally have my own circuit board!

All the value resistors in 1206 will have the same footprint, so adding 100k to the search might be messing you up. I don’t have easyEDA but it’s there somewhere!

Found one but in a very crazy way of searching ^^

Standard components are in the EELib to the left. Pick symbol (US or “EU”), click dropdown and select footprint:

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THX but i´m in the PCB view and need the footprints not the schematics

You add the footprints in the schematics editor when you place the component. Or did you skip the schematics?

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right i´ve skipped the schematics and startet only in the pcb view

Is there a general rule of thumb for how big to make solder pads and solder masks? The last boards I had were a pain to solder because I made the pads too small.