(Discourse please don't capitalize) aoKicad — KiCad symbols, footprints, and 3D models

For anyone who’s using my aoKicad repo of KiCad symbols, footprints, and 3D models: I’ve just pushed a big update. I did it to coincide with KiCad 7, though I believe there’s nothing here that’s incompatible with KiCad 6.

The main changes are:

  • Library names have different capitalization: ao_symbols, for instance, becomes AO_symbols. Initial uppercase is the standard for KiCad libraries, and at least at one point in KiCad 7 development ao_\* was being sorted after Z\* in some places, and in amongst the A\* stuff in others. So switching to initial uppercase seemed a good idea.
  • Footprints are pointing to 3D models in a different location, in ${KICAD_USER_3DMODEL_DIR}/AO_tht_3d instead of ${KICAD_AOKICAD}/ao_tht_3d. A more sensible environment variable.
  • There are new entries, including a bunch of symbols for mechanical stuff — screws, nuts, spacers, DIP sockets, etc., which while not part of the circuit are things I want in the BOM. So they’re by default not put on the PCB but are included when the BOM is generated.

The repo’s here

The new version is in Release 7.0. The previous version is still available as Release 6.0.